Act 25-Snowy Day:Mamoru V.S. Seiya

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A.N. I forgot to tell that From Mamoru's birthday to the future chapters are windy and cold chapters

Few weeks later...

It was the final week of September. and it was lunch break...

Usagi:It's so cold I didn't expect that the snow will fall today.

Ami:Didn't you watch the forcast?


Mamoru:Here's my jacket Usa

Usagi:You really change Mamo-chan. If I remembered you are a baka and a jerk

Mamoru:Okay fine Odango Atama

Usagi:Gomen gomen watashi wa jodan yo! We're close friend right?

Makoto:Jeez Usagi... By the way next month is you're birthday right Minako?

Rei:Is it October next month?

Minako:Hai, October 22

At school gate

Mamoru:Sorry Usa I can't take you home today...

Usagi: That's fine Mamo-chan

Mamoru:Bye Usa do you have an umbrella? You can take mine

Usagi:It's fine...

Mamoru:Are you sure?


Mamoru:Okay, Bye Usa

Usagi:Bye Mamo-chan

While walking...

Usagi:I forgot to bring Mamo-chan's jacket. And I don't have an umbrella

The snow was suddenly stop going through her face.. Usagi look who is it..

Seiya:Hi Odango-chan..


Seiya:Why don't you have an umbrella?

Usagi:I didn't watch the whether forcast

Seiya:Here.. Take this...

Usagi:No need thank you... my house was few walks already...

Seiya:I will take you there

Usagi:No ne-



Usagi go to Mamoru

Usagi:I thought you go home

Mamoru:I decided too go to you because you don't have umbrella

Usagi:Mamo-chan you-

Mamoru:Usa I will

Usagi:Okay fine... Oh Seiya-san... Bye

To be continued

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now