Act 21-School Camping Trip Ⅲ

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Jessica's Corner

Jessica:Okay, Okay we will proceed to the tie breaker round. Where are you favor to Usagi and Mamoru or Rei and Minako?

For tie breaker round:
For the team who will win at Camping Trip games in this chapter will win.

7:00 PM

Teacher:Okay now we will start our fun activities. Get the things you will need while I tell the proceedure.

1.Get all you need for the activity

2.All partners will proceed at the Okinawa forest.

3.Get the 5 flags on the trees

4. Who's first to go back here will win.

5.If someone got back you'll see fireworks

Teacher:Okay students get ready. And Go!

All the students go inside the forest

(Note: they didn't ware there uniforms)

Ami and Makoto's situation

Ami:I wonder where the flags are.

Makoto:What's that over there?

Ami:Isn't the flag?

Makoto:Yeah. But it's so high!

Ami:Can you climb there Mako-chan?

Makoto:Okay I'll try

Minako and Rei's situation

Minako:Oh my! It's so high I can't reach it

Rei:How can you reach it when you only hugging the tree

Minako:Oh you're right. But what if you help me right?

Mamoru and Usagi's situation

Mamoru:Usa! I got it catch it okay?!


Mamoru throws the flag and Usagi caught it

Usagi:Be carefull Mamo-chan

30 minutes later:

Ami and Makoto's situation

Ami:Now we got three!

Makoto:Two to go!

Minako and Rei's situation

Minako:I'll fall. *she get the flag* Waaah!

Rei:Minako-chan Daijoubu?


Usagi and Mamoru's situation

Usagi:We got all five!

Mamoru:Now we need to go back

15 minutes later

At the beach

Usagi:Sensei! we found five!

Teacher:Okay I'll prepare the fireworks.

At forest

Ami:Hey! Minako-chan Rei-chan

Rei:Hey Ami-chan, Mako-chan How many did you get?

Makoto:We got already 5 You guys?

Minako:We also got-Hey is that the fireworks?

Ami: Looks like there's first on us

10 minutes later

At the beach

Teacher:We have a winners Usagi and Mamoru

All the students clapped

Minako:So Mamoru-san and Usagi-chan wins

To be continued

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now