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Chapter 5: Happy, Eventful Merry-go-Round of Life


"Y'all know I will be permanent here right?" Neph said "Like we would care though" Mamoru said with annoyance "Meannie Mamoru! Com'on men! Be happy for once! Baby Zoi here is glad, right Zoi mah baby?"  Neph said "First of all, don't call me baby! And no who's happy to have somebody like you anyway?" Zoi said jokingly "Com'on!!! Be nice for once! Hey Jed! Save mah ass!" Neph said as Jed walked near at them. "Save your own ass Neph! I have something to do!" and he walked away.

Usagi just entered the canteen. Instantly, she heared her name pronounced with an english accent. "Oh no not again!"

"Usagi-san!!! Come here!!! Join us!" Neph said "Hi! Nefu-san! Zoi-san! Mamo-baka" Usagi greeted "It's nice to see you Usagi-san, how are your classes so far?" Zoi asked "Same old boring ones" Usagi said "Like you will ever like studying Odango" Mamoru said "Whatever you say Mamo-baka, atleast I can smile unlike you" Usagi retorted "Come on I can't understand everyone!" Neph complained

To be continued

Edited: 06/01/20

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now