Act 23-School Camping Trip Ⅴ

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7:00 A.M. September 10 Day 3

*The first day was September 8 but I didn't update it At September 8 so this is not based on time now because we will have day skip*

Makoto:Good Morning Minna! Happy Birthday Ami-chan!

She give a gift at Ami

Ami:Arigatou Mako-chan

Usagi and Mamoru go out the tent with balloons and gifts

Usagi and Mamoru:Happy Birthday Ami-chan!

Rei and Minako go out at tent with banner

Rei and Minako:Happy Birthday Ami-chan!

Ami:Minna how did you prepare?

Makoto:We planned this before the camp

Mamoru:And we prepare 5:00 A.M.


Some other peoples:Happy Birthday Mizuno-san!


8:00 A.M.

Usagi:So you guys didn't anwer our question last night...

Minako:Mako-chan made that idea!

Rei:She said before the camping something might happen

Ami:So we practice some production number

Makoto:I'm sorry

Mamoru:That's okay Sailor Busters, Just don't do that again,


2 Day skip

They are back at Tokyo and they are on their classroom

Teacher:You have new classmates,Kou Seiya, Kou Taiki, Kou Yaten, Tennou Haruka and Kaioh Michiru. And also we have a new clinic nurse, Meioh Setsuna.

To be continued

New Characters! The story came to far! Exiting! When will Usagi and Mamoru will be dating? And a Sequel decided!

Hospital Love Story

Usagi and Mamoru finished their studies. They are now 25 years old and the other girls also,have their job. Usagi is a Nurse and a Manga Drawer, Mamoru and Ami is a Doctor, Minako is an Idol and Rei was at Hikawa Jinja and Makoto was a flower shop owner, a baker and a chef

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now