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Chapter 3: First Love?

April 9, XXXX
Lunch Break

"Why do you always go anywhere I go?" Mamoru asked Usagi irritated "Mamoru, I thought I made this clear already! I want to make a friendship with you and melt your ice. So there is no way you can get rid of me" "Did I even agree with that?"

"Usagi-chan is that you?" A girl suddenly appeared "Ami-chan? Mizuno Ami-chan!?" Usagi said happily "Oh my, I never thought to see you here! You transfered?" Ami asked "Oh yes, yes, and oh Ami-chan this is-" "Chiba Mamoru-san, I know him Usagi, he is popular here at school" Ami said "Then Mamoru, I bet you already know Ami?" Usagi said "Of course I do Tsukino, She is the most intelligent here in school"

"Yo! Usagi, Mamo mah Japanese friends! I'm here with baby Zoi!" Neph suddenly appeared along with a guy with a long wavt hair tied in a low ponytail "You are so embarrassing Neph" The guy named Zoi said annoyed "Great, another fool" Mamoru said "Nice to see you too Mamoru" Zoi said "By the way, this is Tsukino Usagi" Neph said "Harō Zoi-san (Hello Zoi)" Usagi said "woah, hi there! Whats your name? I am Neph Raito" Neph asked Ami "I'm Mizuno Ami, nice to meet you Neph-san, Zoi-san" Ami said

"Hi, I'm Zoi Saito, a new exchange student, I hope we get along well" Zoi said in Japanese "No freakin' way Zoi! You can speak Japanese?" Neph asked shocked "Not everybody is as fool as you Neph. You're a half Japanese but you can't speak our dialect. You're an embarrassment for Japanese citizens" Mamoru said "Well, I'm so sorry Mr. Genius! Not every as***le in the universe is f***kin' intelligent as you. Why are you so cold Mamoru. Sometimes I doubt we are friends." Neph said

"I need to get going then, later on, Usagi-chan, Mamoru-san and also Neph-san, Zoi-san" Ami said then she left "We also need to get going! Later then, Mamoru, Usagi," Neph said "Bai! Bai!" Usagi said her goodbyes

"Come on Mamoru, let's go!" Usagi said grabbing Mamoru "You're still at this are you?" Mamoru said annoyed "Ofcourse! Let's go! We don't have all time with us"



"See Mamoru? It's fun to eat when you have someone to accompany you!" Usagi said "No, I'd rather eat alone, you're so annoying. I can't eat when someone is noisy as you Tsukino Odango"

"I'll let that slide Mamoru, because I know how cold you could be. But why you call me odango? That's the second I notice" Usagi said "That two odangos in your head obviously. Add that odango brain of yours" Mamoru said "Oh Mamoru, you're so dense you know?" "I clearly know and I don't care" Mamoru said annoyed

School Gate

"Mamoru! Let's go home together!" Usagi said. "Haven't you had enough when we did come to school together?" Mamoru said "Come on Mamoru! We have the same path so let's go already!" Usagi said

"Tensai-kun! Usagi! Hi there mah peeps" Neph came along with Zoi. "Hi Mamoru, Usagi" Zoi said "Haroo Nefu-san, Zoi-san. Wi aru abawato tsu hedo hōmu (Hello, Neph-san, Zoi-san. We are about to head home)" Usagi said "Let us tag along with you two" Zoi said

"How long will you the two of you would study here?" Mamoru asked "We will be here for a year only. We are just exchange students." Zoi answered

"It's so rare of  you Mamo, you have a friend and she's a girl" Neph said "Yeah, whatever Neph. She's the one who always approach to me. I don't have a choice but to go with it." Mamoru sail "Weru, Ayumu torayingu tsu meruto Mamoru's cōrudo hāto. (Well, I'm trying to melt Mamoru's cold heart) Dza onrī wei to meruto itsu izu tsu bi purenzu wido himu (The only way to melt it is to be friends with him)"

"Goodluck with that Usagi san" Zoi said "Mamoru could be cruel at times so try to understand him" Neph said "Mochiron! (sure)" Usagi said "Will you three idiots walk faster and stop wasting time?" Mamoru said "I didn't understand you but I think there's an insult with that" Neph said

Zoi and Neph parted their way. Usagi and Mamoru are together. Usagi noticed something at the road. It was black she come to get closer and she saw a black cat. And a car is nearby to hit it.

Usagi quickly rushed to the cat. The car's horn was pressed repeatedly. Usagi stopped her tracks and she can't strait. Instead of running she embraced the cat in and closed her eyes getting ready for the impact.


Usagi felt someone pushed her out of the road. She is finally out of the dangerous road. She looked at the cat it was safe. She looked to her saviour, it was Mamoru.

"Thank you, Mamoru" Usagi said in embarrassment "Oh Odango, are you an idiot? You may be hurt or worst! Why are you cross that road it's dangerous! You think you're a car? Sorry for you, you're not one of autobots." Mamoru said

"I just came to save this cat. She's nearly bumped by the car" Usagi said "So are you?" "Sorry Mamoru, how foolish I could be sometimes" Usagi said sadly "*sigh* Atleast you know you do. Let me check the cat if she is hurt" Mamoru said

Mamoru checked up the cat there are nothimg wrong with it. The cat purred in Mamoru's touch. The cat seemed to like him. When the cat do, he saw the look Usagi giving to the cat. She seemed to like the cat but the cat likes him more.

"I think the cat likes you Mamoru" Usagi said "You should keep it" she added "I would like to but you can keep it" Mamoru said "Really? But it seemed to like you more" Usagi said "No really keep it. We are neighbours afterall, I could see her." "Her?" "The cat is a female idiot"

"What should we name her?" Usagi asked "Luna" Mamoru said "Why?" "Because of that crescent moon on her forehead. What a rare cat she was" "Luna it is then" Usagi said. The cat seemed to understand them and purred at Usagi's hand, it looks like she liked her name.

Usagi smiled widely and started to spun around the cat. Laughing carelessly around her surroundings. Her golden hair is flowing around beautifully.

Mamoru looked at Usagi. He stopped at his tracks. Mamoru blushed at what he saw.

'She looks so happy, so beautiful. She looks like a princess'

It was the first time Mamoru's heart fluttered for a girl.

To be continued


Sorry I have to remove the Ami's mom ships UsaMamo part. I will bring it back in some chapter. It seemed like a hit.

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now