Chapter 9: Summer

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Warning: This chapters has curses on it. I don't curse so I censored it all because I'm not comfortable with them. I put the curses for humorous puposes only.

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Spring is over summer is now here. Japan is currently having a really hot summer days. Juuban Azabu High students could feel the hot air of July.

"UGH! It's so hot like hell!" Jed said in frustration. "Just shut up your big mouth Rin! You're making it worst! That disgusting cabon dioxide coming from your disgusting mouth contributes more disgustig hot air!" Neph said shutting Jed up.

"Yeah right, mister smarty ass... Just say to me to shut up, than acting like a smart s***. When did you learn such a thing like carbon dioxide anyway?" Jed said "Jed, stop cursing" Zoi said glaring at Jed "Weak..." Neph said

"By the way," Kun said "Since the heat is "hell-like" why don't we go at Mamoru's one private pools" he added

"What did he said?" Usagi asked then Ami translated it. "Wait? Really!? Mamoru-baka has a private pool?" Usagi said seems very excited. "Yes, yes, Why won't go there during the summer break?" Neph said "Is it available next week Mamo?" Kun asked "Yes, of course" Mamoru said "Are you girls up with that?" Mamoru asked "Of course!" The girls said "But where is the said pool?" Makoto asked "Well, it was at Hokkaido. The estimated travel time is 15 hours." Mamoru said

"What!? 15 hours!?" Usagi exclaimed "Yes, its quite far." Kun said "So we boys will take turns in driving every 3 hours." Neph said

"Yes, wait what!?" Jed said in horror

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1 week later
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They are now preparing for their departure. They're Just waiting for Usagi to arrive.

"Is everything you need is here already?" Kun asked "Yes!" Minako said "What took Odango too long?" Mamoru said

"GUYS! SORRY I'M LATE!" Usagi shouted panting "Yeah right whatever odango.

"Ok then, I will drive first!" Neph said snatching the car keys at Kun. "What!? Ku- Kun! Do something!" Jed said nervously.

"NEPH! NO! YOU WILL F****NG NOT DRIVE!" Kun shouted forgotten who he was talking.

"KUN!? ARE YOU F****NG SHOUTING AT ME!?" Neph said starting to get angry "KUN! NEPH! YOUR WORDS!" Zoi said angrilly "DO YOU WANT US TO DIE!?" Kun shouted really not noticing who he was talking.

"CAN YOU GUYS F****NG STOP ALREADY!?" Jed said trying to stop the two. "YOU SAID TO ME DO SOMETHING AND YOU WILL ASK ME TO STOP!?" Kun said now starting a fight with Jed.

"OH! NOW YOU ARE BLAMING IT TO ME?" Jed said accepted Kun's challenge



While the three are fighting, Makoto and Minako is watching with a popcorn they got somewhere. "This is great!" Makoro said happily "I know right!? But Zoi is lame. He is not cursing" Minako said "Gay..." He added "Luckily I could understand them a little bit!" Makoto said

"Don't you guys we need to stop it? They may hurt each other" Ami said concerned "Wait a minute Ami, this is interesting" Minako said "I can't understand them, it seems to be interesting!" Usagi said "You don't need to know Usagi-chan, you don't need" Ami said

"I will stop this already. I think you don't want to see a really ranging Kun Saito" Mamoru said "Wait, Mamoru-kun?" Minako asked "He is not at his ranging level 999?" Minako addes

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now