Act 14-You are...

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Jessica no Koona!!!

Quiz:Deikinakatara Oshiokyo!!

Jessica:Ja minna-sama No one gets the point for first question then for this question it's Mamoru-san, Ami-san and Makoto-san's turn

Dai ni mon

衛さん、亜三さん と まことさん
What are the proper arrangement of planets


Jessica:Hai? Makoto-san?


Sfx:bzz bzz


Jessica:Hai? Mamoru-san?


Jessica:ping pong!!!

Usagi:Sugoi!! But Ami-chn why didn't you answer?

Ami:Mamoru-san was fast



Usagi:Another school day was finished!!!

Makoto:You're right!!!

Mamoru:You're just so lazy Odango


Minako:Stop it you two! we are close to Mamoru-san's apartment

Mamoru:Why are you girls going again?

Ami:To do an assignment?

Rei:No! we will go to...

Mamoru going to open the door

Rei/Makoto/Minako/Usagi:Make a mess on you're apartment!!!


Makoto:Just joking!!

They all entered and do their assignment

Hours later....

Minako entered Mamoru's room

Minako:I didn't enter here when his birthday so I will check here
*evil grin*😈

And she saw an picture...

an picture of girl and a boy looked very happy. A girl holding a balloon while clinging at the boy. They are about 6 or 7 years old

"The girl looked like..." Minako thought

Minako:Hey Minna! come here!

Makoto:What is it Minako-chan?

Minako:Nee,Mamoru-san? who are these kids?

Mamoru:That is a friend and me..

Rei:I think I also a picture like that before *pause* Right!!! Usagi!

Usagi enters the room

Rei:Can I see the picture of you and you're childhood friend?

Usagi:Handed her the pic

Minako:Is it me or think child look like you Usagi-chan?

They all look at the picture

Usagi:Yes! Because it's me!

Rei:Hey guys it's the same picture

Usagi:Ma- Mamo-chan


To be Continued

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now