Act 20-School Camping Trip Ⅱ

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Jessica's Corner

Jessica:Hi minna I know you're all pissed off on me and want to read the story quickly, but I'm still here! Does everyone skipping this part? Now, now, Rei and Minako has 2 points Makoto and Ami 1 point and Usagi and Mamoru 1 point and this is the last question.

Dai Go Mon

Where was your school trip?

Ami:It's no fair the location didn't tell yet!


Jessica:Hai? Mamoru

Mamoru:Okinawa Japan

Jessica:Ping pong! Soon we have a tie breaker

Teacher:Class we will ride and airplane so behave

Ami:Our school has a really high expenses right?


They all ride at the airplane

a few hours later...

Teacher:We are here build your tents and we will start our activities tomorrow

Usagi:Oh no! I forgot my tent!

Minako:Don't you remember? We have partners right?

Usagi:Yeah I remember..

They all build their tents... but
Usagi struggle at one thing... How to build a Tent?

Mamoru:Usa, I will build it prepare the things

Usagi start preparing

Ami:Usagi-chan you and Mamoru-san are really close now right?

Makoto:I think this story will be end...

Usagi:No! One of the story has my character will be ended! On other stories so sad they end it 😐😑😶😏😣😥😭😦😧😟😩

Mamoru:Usa ready the food


Makoto:Those two will get married
Makoto said to Ami

Usagi:I hear that


Minako:Wow the sunset was beautiful at sea!

Rei:It's so beautiful

Makoto:Hey Ami-chan, Usagi-chan, Mamoru-san come here this is so beautiful!


Ami:This is the first time I saw this

Mamoru:Me too

To be Continued

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now