Act 28-New Students (Final Batch)

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Haruna-sensei:Class I know you are all tired when I am saying this but there are new transferies again Arimura Yuko, Hanyu Mimi, Bido Yui, Teruno Ruru, Akiyama Chiemi And Pāru. Please take your seats This students are final batch because our class is full.

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* * Akiyama P. Akiyama C.
Hanyu Bido Tennou Kaioh

Kou T. * Teruno Arimura

Kou S. Kou Y. * *

Osaka Aino Hino Kino

Gurio Mizuno Tsukino Chiba

Teacher:Minna Next week we will have our talent show project. Your performance will be graded base on how beautiful it is. You will take a video on it and we will all watch it next week. the deadline will be next week also. Okay Class Dissmiss

Usagi:Saa, Mina-P, Ami-chan, Mako-chan, Rei-chan, Mamo-chan we will do our best!

Makoto:Hai! hai!


Usagi:Oh sorry don't you like

Minako:Oh no! I am just surprise Mina-P is fine Minako-chan was to long.

Ami:I will make the script

Usagi:Good Idea Ami-chan

Rei:Do you notice the new students? They seem like rich.

Haruka:Yes they are...


Michiru:Those five are bullies you know. They went in the same school as us.

Ami:So they came from Mugen Gakuen.

Haruka:And I think Mamoru-san is in a problem touring them in school


Usagi:We need to follow them..

To be continued

Arimura Yuko (Eudial), Hanyu Mimi (Mimette), Bido Yui (Villuy), Teruno Ruru (Tellu), Akiyama Chiemi And Pāru (Cyprine and Plitol). Are the civilian names for Witches 5 Exept Cyprine and Plitol because the don't have any. Eudial, Tellu, Mimette, and Villuy's names introduce in Mugen arc of Manga. And S arc of Anime. Also in Crystal Season Ⅲ

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now