Act 15-Childhood

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Jessica:We are back!

Usagi and Mamoru has one point now it's Usagi-san, Rei-san and Minako-san's turn

うさぎ レイ 美奈子

Dai san mon

Why the story is High School Love Story?

Minako:I also wondering why is their amy love team in this story?

Sfx:Ring ring

Jessica:Yes? Rei-san?

Rei:I think the "Love Story" was refering to Usagi and Mamoru

Jessica:Ping pong!



Usagi:Mamoru-san? I searched for you you know?!

Mamoru:I thought I will never see you again...

Usagi:Me too...

Minako:*Ehem* You have a story telling to tell

Makoto:Sou yo!

They all sat at the couch on living room

Usagi:It was....

A 7 years old Usagi was happily skipping at the grasses until she stumbled. And she cries

A 8 years old Mamoru go to her

Mamoru:Are you okay?

Usagi:*sniff* My knee is bleeding

Mamoru:Let me

He gave it an first aid kit


Their friendship long last

A months later

Usagi and Mamoru was playing and Usagi stumble. Mamoru caught her and they accidentaly kissed on lips.

Usagi:Wh- Why did you do that!?

Mamoru:It was an accident!

Usagi:My Mama told me when a girl and a boy kisses on lips they will be married! Promise Me that you will marry me!

Mamoru:Okay I will

Usagi smiled wide

Usagi:My mama also told me that I need to have a koibito first before I get married

Mamoru smiled at her..

Mamoru:I will be your koibito

Usagi smiled at him

Ami: So adorable

Rei:But your first kiss was too early

Usagi:But I figure out that I was too young you know! I figure out that we are best friends not Koibito when I was 10 and about to leave tokyo!

Mamoru:She's right I tell her that when we are 10 years old and she asked her mom about it

To be continued

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now