Act 29-Project

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Teacher:Now Let's watch what you did...

The teacher put the dvd on the player
Makoto's voice:Watashi wa P.O.V.

Night (Hikawa Jinja)

Rei:Let's go check it out... Let's call their spirits...


Rei:Hai... We will call get ready we don't know which of us will get exorcised. And I also found a persons that looked like Serenity and Endymion...

Ami:There are?


There's a knock

Rei: Come in

A girl and a boy entered

Rei:They are Usagi and Mamoru...

They sit upon the sacred fire, hold hands And close their eyes..

Rei:No matter what happen just hold hands okay, If one exorcised if she removed her hand let go, Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen! Sacred Fire! call the spirits of Beryl, Endymion and Serenity!

Mamoru and Usagi start shaking...

Makoto:Usagi-san! Mamoru-san!

Rei:Mako-chan don't let go!




Rei:Get ready! We don't know where Beryl will go

The winds became strong all the windows opened... I feel it I started shaking..

Makoto:Serenity! Endymion is mine!

Minako:Oh no! Mako-chan..

Ami's Voice:Watashi wa P.O.V

Usagi:You will never get Endymion Beryl!

Mako-chan grabbed Mamoru-san and throw him at the sacred fire

Mamoru:Waaaah! Serenity!!



Rei:This need to stop

Minako and Rei hold Mako-chan in each arm

Makoto:Let go of me!!!

Minako and Rei dashed to the walls and their heads began to bleed it was a very strong impact

Ami:*gasp* Rei-chan! Minako-chan!

Makoto:If you don't want to give Endymion that was for him!


Makoto:You're next Serenity!

Usagi run to the kitchen But Mako-chan caught her and she grabbed an knife. She stabbed it to Usagi's Chest


Usagi get a chance to grab another knife and stabbed Mako-chan in back


And Mako-chan fell down

Usagi crawl to the sacred fire


And she tried to stand up but she fell beneath the fire and her body burned... And the spirit was now gone to her because she said Mamoru-san's name

I fell to my knees I watch Mamoru-san and Usagi burning I looked at Rei-chan, Minako-chan and Mako-chan in a puddle of blood


私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now