Chapter 13: ✔️

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Chapter 13: The Forgotten Best Friend

( EDITED ) ✔️ 8/30/16

Autumn's POV

I woke up the next morning at eight a'clock. My lower back was sore as I move from my uncomfortable position. Emily is sprawled out taking up two thirds of my bed, leaving me to sleep with my back arched in a awkward angle. I look down and see drool pooling out of her mouth while her hair is in tangled knots surrounding her head. Same old Emily.

I groan as I stretch my arms high above my head. I walk towards my bathroom quietly. I try to stay as quiet as I can so I don't wake up Godzilla. I'm actually happy that I woke up early. If Emily woke up before me she would end up hogging the bathroom. I groggily turn on the shower water and grab my clothes for today.

I took my shower, curled my hair and put on light makeup. I slipped on a white t-shirt and a brown leather jacket over it. I grab a black beanie and a pair of black jeans along with black converse.

Once I get done I exit the bathroom. Emily yawns and gets out of bed. She says,"I had an amazing night of sleep. How'd you sleep?"

Really? She seriously just asked that?

"Well it could have been better if someone wasn't taking up the whole bed and giving me a spinal problem in the middle of the freaking night."

Emily laughs and says,"Huh, well you should really confront that person. They sound really rude. It's not nice to hog someone's bed."

With that she turned around and closed the bathroom door.

I swear she is such a smart ass sometimes.

I sigh and grab my purse. I pack my keys and some spare cash. Then I check my phone. I log on to Twitter and see 10,547 more followers!! What the heck!

I scroll around and realize it's because of Louis. He started following me and all these fan girls are following his actions.

I log off. I thought my post attracted that many people to follow me but I guess not. It was Louis. It's always Louis.

I sigh and run downstairs and into my kitchen. Mum and Jimmy are talking at the table. I say,"Good morning guys! Emily and I are going to get some shopping done today if you don't mind."

My mum smiles,"That sounds good! I didn't know Emily was here already!"

"Yeah she came in early this morning!"

"Well since your only here a month make sure you spend some time with us. I haven't spent any quality time with you yet!"

"Sure. Maybe we can do something tomorrow."

I grab a yogurt from the fridge and shut the door. Emily comes prancing into the room with blue jeans and a big oversized maroon sweater. She straightened her hair and slipped on a pair of black vans.

My mum said,"Emily Tucker. Is that you?"

Emily turned around and squealed. "I can't believe it's you! I missed you so much!"

The Forgotten Best Friend [ Louis Tomlinson ] - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now