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SONG: Ruelle - Storm

Autumn's POV

I'm doing it. Today is the day. The day I've been dreaming about since I was a kid.

The day I'm getting married.

My hands shakily slide down the front of my pearly white dress. Diamonds embedded the top of my gown. I had long lace sleeves that were trickling with diamonds from the top of my shoulders. The gown swayed around my feet, which were fitted into a pair of white heels.

My mother curled my hair into tight ringlets. She pinned some back with a diamond clip. Emily stood in front of me applying some mascara onto my thick eyelashes. Her diamond engagement ring twinkled slightly when it hit the light.

Harry proposed to Emily last week. To say that I was surprised was an understatement. I had no idea he was going to make a move this soon. But yet, I'm really happy for them. She deserves her own Prince Charming.

My mother says quietly,"I can't believe my baby girl is growing up so fast." She desperately wiped away the tears before they ruined her makeup. My mother was one of my bridesmaids along with Emily and Eleanor.

I know what your probably thinking. . .why choose the backstabbing girl that ruined Louis's and yours relationship? Well. . .after my mother's wedding we became friends. She's changed for the best. She changed because she knew she was wrong.

"Mom, I'm twenty-four. I stopped being a baby girl fourteen years ago." I said to the heartbroken mother in front of me. She smiled sadly as she did the final touches on my hair; as did Emily on the makeup.

The wedding started in thirty minutes and like always, I was a nervous wreck. I fumbled with my fingers and looked up into the mirror. My eyes were highlighted with white eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner. My lips were covered in light pink lipstick. My hair spreads across my shoulders in tight curls.

I stood up and turned around hugging both my mum and Emily. I loved them both so much. But my mum won't have belonging over me any more, Louis is the one that has taken my heart. He's the one I belong to now.

I'm marrying my best friend. The man that I love more than anything.

I glanced down at my stomach. The dress does a good job at covering the slight baby bump. I run my hand over it, thinking of my future. The only people I've told is my mother and Emily. I plan on telling Louis about me being pregnant tonight.

My mum glanced at my stomach,"It's a boy."

I smirked at her and shook my head,"Mum, we went over this, it's a girl. I have the baby gender instinct. I chose Alfie's gender didn't I?"

"That was a lucky guess Autumn. There is no way you can know." I shrugged my shoulders. I knew, I knew it was a girl. She was my baby girl.

Emily smiled evilly and raised her hand into the air,"I think it's a boy."

I blew out a large sigh of air. These people are unbelievable. 

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