Chapter 21: ✔️

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Chapter 21: The Forgotten Best Friend

( EDITED ) ✔️ 11/16/16


Autumn's POV

It's been two days since our "date." Emily can't stop talking about how Harry held her hand, kissed her, and asked her to be his girlfriend. I on the other hand, didn't say a word. Emily knows I went somewhere with Louis but I haven't told her anything about it.

I don't even know what to think of that fake date. It seemed so real and it was amazing. It makes my heart ache because it reminded me that I can't have him. He won't ever be mine.

I haven't heard from Louis since that night. I was worried at first but then realized that space from him was good. I still have Louis's black jacket. I've spent the last two days debating on whether or not to give it back to him.

I mean I'm not fangirling over it. I just. . .like his jacket. It smells like mint, man cologne, and a slight scent of cigarette smoke. But it does not smell like the cheap cologne. It smells like Louis.

The smell is not the only reason I don't want to give the jacket back, it's the problem of whether or not Louis wants to see me. If I want to see him.

He's has been avoiding me. So maybe I should keep it.

I shake my head and throw the coat on my bed. I rake my hand through my brown hair. I need to get my crap together. It's just a stupid jacket for crying out loud.

Emily, who is sitting at my desk in the corner of my room is texting Harry. She looks up from her phone. "Honey, you've been stressing over this jacket for two days. It's not a big deal, just go over and give it to him."

She's right. I've turned into such a mess. The old Autumn would have done anything without the care of consequences. What's happening to me? What is this boy doing to me?

I sigh. "I know, I'm just a chicken."

Emily fake gasps and says,"Did the Autumn Hayne just admit to being scared?"

I role my eyes and throw a plush pillow at her. "No, I'm never scared." I bluffed.

Emily places her phone down and stands up. She smirks and says,"Okay, if your not scared of anything then you wouldn't mind if we go over to Louis's house. Harry invited me over to hang out and-"

She picks up the black jacket. "-it would be a perfect time to prove that your not scared."

I shake my head. "No, no way. I'm not going."

"Why not? Are you scared?" She teases.

Yes. I'm scared of rejection.

"No-I just had some last minute Christmas shopping to do."

"Christmas is five days away, Autumn."

I smile. "Yeah exactly. Only one hundred and twenty hours left to shop, I want to be prepared."

She roles her eyes and says,"Good, you have plenty of time now come on."

The Forgotten Best Friend [ Louis Tomlinson ] - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now