Chapter 14: ✔️

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Chapter 14: The Forgotten Best Friend

Special shout out to my best friend in real life and on wattpad t_emily26! She has supported me with this story a lot! This chapter is dedicated to you. <3

( EDITED ) ✔️  9/01/16

Autumn's POV

I have been here for about a week. It has been three days since I've last seen or heard from Louis. And trust me I'm not complaining. These past few days I've been hanging out with my mum and Emily. Emily has been busy lately. I've asked her once, where she was going. She responded that she had a lot of Christmas shopping to do.

That's another thing, Christmas is two weeks away! I still haven't started shopping. Don't get me wrong I love to shop but it's kind of hard to shop for someone when you don't even know what they want.

Today, I plan on starting. It has to get done at one time or another, right? I grabbed my purse and slipped on a jacket and boots. The empty house gave be cold chills as my steps echoed on the hard wood floors. I was alone. My mum and Jimmy told me yesterday that they had plans today and Emily left early to go who knows where.

I jump down the stairs and out the front door to my car. Happy to get out of that depressing house. The frigid wind hits me. I hurry and open my door and turn up the heat to full blast. Gosh, it's freezing!

I glance at Louis's house. I see Louis walk down the driveway and into his car. As if he senses he is being watched he turns around and his eyes land right on me.

His gaze lingers and he gives a small smile and wave. I look down and put my car in reverse. Then I drive down the street.

Away from Louis.


I put my car in park once I get to the store. This store is parked on a busy street so I ran as fast as I could across the street. Luckily, I didn't get hit.

I entered the store and immediately thought of Joe. This store was a store that Joe would go to. As I think of Joe my heart aches. I just feel like we are growing apart. I love him so much. But these past few days he has only called once. I have called morning and evening every day but only got one reply.

Every time I didn't get a response that high pitch girls voice would always echo in my head. I mean Joe can't be cheating on me...can he? No, he wouldn't do that. He's not like that. We love each other. If he says it's his assistant then I believe him.

A relationship is built on trust. I trust him.

I grab a couple pairs of cool shirts that I know he would like and a pair of sunglasses. He had told me long ago that he needed a new pair. I pay for my things and exit the store.

A couple hours later I happen to get Emily's gift. Which is a necklace and a leather jacket. She has been talking about this jacket for ages. Then I got my mum some cooking utensils because she loves to cook. And last but not least, I got Jimmy a new movie that he's been wanting.

It was going on three a'clock in the afternoon. My body was sore from the constant walking and the strain of all the bags I've been carrying for hours. I enter my last store when I suddenly feel like someone is watching me. I turn around but no one is there. Just random people strolling around the sidewalks.

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