Chapter 28:

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^Autumn and Louis^

^Autumn and Louis^

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Autumn's POV

I snuggled further into Louis's arms. We've been hugging for ten minutes. I can't let him go, I'm scared this is all a dream and he will just disappear. His lips hot against my hair he whispers,"I love you so much."

His arms wrap around me tighter as I clutch onto the bottom of his shirt. My eyes shut and I sigh in content. "I love you too." This feels right. This is where I belong. My head rests on his hard chest and I listen to the patterned heart beats sounding in my ear.

I pull away slightly and say,"Louis we need to go home. I don't want to be here. " His arms rub up and down my arms causing goose bumps to appear. His eyes shadow confusion. "Isn't this what you wanted? What happened?"

My hands shake and I begin explaining,"The producer here tested me by giving me a script and making me memorizing it in five minutes. I failed miserably and he just smirked at me. I-I failed Louis! I failed at my one shot at making it big."

"Hey, hey, hey calm down princess. You didn't fail, that producer is a bloody idiot for not seeing how talented you are." My head tilts downward. His fingers flutter under my chin causing me to look up. I glance up,"Autumn, you can do anything you want. Don't let this producer ruin your dreams."

I smile as the happiness floods through me. He's right. I don't need this stupid company. I can be famous on my own. With Louis and my family by my side, I can accomplish anything. I ask,"Can we leave? I want to go home."

He pecks my lips softly and nods his head,"You read my mind." I laugh and pull away from his embrace. My eyes take in my surroundings I notice the half-packed bag lying on the hard wood floor. I only have a few scattered clothes around the room. I grab the clothes and throw them into my bag messily.

While I'm packing away my things Louis goes into the kitchen and schedules a flight back to home. I role my bags and drop them by the front door. My phone and wallet are in my small purse attached to my shoulder.

I sneak into the kitchen and notice Louis talking on the phone. He hangs up and I run quietly and jump onto his back. He stumbles in shock, and I laugh. My hands mess up his hair and he try's to grab me off his back. Once my mission was complete and his hair was messy I kissed his cheek and jumped off his back.

He turns around slowly and gives me a evil look. "You shouldn't have done that." The smile falls from my face and let out a squeal. I run quickly away from Louis. He trails hot on my heals and I quickly dive into the couch. He follows me and starts poking my sides.

I let out uncontrollable giggles. My stomach begins to hurt and I know the only way he would stop was if I said I was sorry. My sides begin to ache and I say, "O-okay Louis I-I'm sorry."

He smiles and says,"You better be babe." He jumps off of me and pulls me up with him. I hear the doorbell go off and my eyes widen. What if it's the producer? What if it's Charlotte? Lou must have noticed my wide eyes. He says,"It okay. It's just Emily and Harry."

The Forgotten Best Friend [ Louis Tomlinson ] - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now