Chapter 26:

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Chapter 26: The Forgotten Best Friend

Emily's POV

My head snuggled further into Harry's broad  chest. His ragged uneven breaths flood my chain of thoughts as Louis left the room with his phone in hand. My cheeks are dried with the unforgettable tears I've shed during this whole heartbreaking time. I didn't know that she would leave. I never expected her to go through with it.

Yet, I couldn't help but feel like it's somewhat my fault. I let my stupid emotions get in the way and I lost her.

Louis is more lost than all of us. His eyes show void of any emotion except the sorrow of losing the girl he loves. He's worried about Autumn for he now realizes what he put her through for five years.

I feel Harry's hot breath on my cheek. This is all my fault. If I was there for her, if I helped her make her decision I could have stopped her.

I'm a horrible person. I just lost my best friend and it's all my fault. More tears role down my cheeks and onto Harry's white shirt. I sniffle and a sob over takes my body. I hate crying and I hate seeing people cry. It makes me feel weak. But right now I am weak.

Harry runs his fingers through my hair trying to calm me. I don't know what I'd do without him. He has only been in my life for one month but it feels like it's been years. He never knew me five years ago but I knew him. I fell in love with his sexy messy curls and green eyes. I along with many other girls have fallen in love with him. But I was the lucky one.

People always labeled him as a player but in reality he is a sweetheart. He would never cheat on anyone. I wipe my tears with my hands. "I-I'm so sorry. I'm ruining your shirt."
I let out a half-hearted laugh.

His eyes focus on my face as if he is taking in every detail. His thumbs come up and wipe away the tears that I missed. He smiles and says,"You can cry into my shirt all you want. I know your having a very hard time, love."

"I'm s-so glad that I have you here with me. I don't know what I'd do without you." I wrap my arms loosely around his neck. His eyes flash with sudden emotions. Guilt is one of them. My eyebrows furrow,"What's wrong?"

His smile doesn't reach his eyes. Then he leans in and presses his soft lips to mine. I kiss back hesitantly. Is he just trying to distract me? My hands play with the ends of his curls. I feel his lips pull from mine he whispers,"I'm sorry."

Sorry for what? Sorry for my pain? I feel like those words have more than one meaning. I was about to ask when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulls it out and looks at me. I nod and he looks down at the phone. His eyes widen and he opens up the text.

My mind wanders to what it could be about. I'm curious. He quickly types on his phone and puts it back in his pocket. I ask,"Who was that?"

I cringe. Oh no, I sound like a clingy girlfriend now. Harry doesn't notice and shrugs his shoulders. "Just a friend of mine." His eyes wander away from mine. I know he's lying but I don't say anything. If he doesn't want to tell me it's fine the last thing I want is to be one of those clingy bītches.

My mind goes back to Autumn. I need her. She's the only person I have left. I have no parents. I only have my little brother who I hardly see. He's off living his life and I only see him once in a great three or four years. Harry notices and hugs me close to his body. I feel his stone hard chest and abs through his shirt. I shiver at the contact. I ask,"Can you promise me something?"

He nods. "Yes, anything."

"Promise me you'll never leave me. Please, I need you."

His eyes glance over my face and his eyes soften. He opens his mouth to respond when his phone goes off again. He takes it out of his pocket and starts to text the mystery person. My eyes narrow, this is a important conversation and he just blew me off and started texting this "person."

The Forgotten Best Friend [ Louis Tomlinson ] - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now