Chapter 22: ✔️

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Chapter 22: The Forgotten Best Friend

( EDITED ) ✔️ 1/6/17


Autumn's POV

After the conversation with Louis, he cleared his throat and looked away. His hand left my warm cheek and he took a step back. I try to push down the disappointment that arose in my chest.

He says,"So, when are you leaving?"

I smile and say,"On Christmas Day."

His face goes slack and he asks with disappointment clear in his voice,"But you just got back home. Why are you leaving already? I just got you back, Autumn."

He just got me back. What's that supposed to mean?

That he just got you back, stupid.

I sigh. "Louis, I got college and my career to focus on. I'm sorry."

"Can you stay for one more week? Please, I just need more time."

My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. "More time for what?"

He looks away and a slight blush forms on his cheeks. Louis Tomlinson is blushing. He takes a brave step forward and brings his soft lips to my ear,"More time for-"

Before he could finish Emily ran up the stairs and said excitedly,"Hey guys! We-wait, am I interrupting something?"

I feel a deep anger towards my best friend, Emily. Louis steps away from me creating a empty distance between us. He says,"No, we were just talking. What do you need, love?"

She smirks when she looks over at me. My cheeks burn with anger. She just ruined our conversation; a possibly important conversation.

Emily says,"Harry wanted me to ask you guys if you wanted to go bowling."

Louis nodded and said,"Sure. We would love to."

I shake my head,"No, I have to...go shopping and to read. . . um . . . stuff."

Wow Autumn, awesome excuse!

The real reason is that I suck at bowling. I think it's the stupidest thing created by man. Louis looks over at me,"Your going Autumn. Even if I have to forcefully drag you myself." A smirk forms on his overly attractive face.

I stick out my bottom lip. Hoping it will convince him not to put me through a night of misery. I whisper,"But I suck at bowling."

Louis looks over at Emily and says,"We're going."

Can I go curl up in a ball and die?

Emily smiles and says,"Okay, be ready in five minutes."

Then she skipped down the stairs. I turned around and faced Louis. I cross my arms over my small chest.

I said,"I'm not going. I'm not going to go make a fool of myself. I got better things to do with my life."

Louis's eyes brighten. "Your going. We're going to be a team and your going to love it."

The Forgotten Best Friend [ Louis Tomlinson ] - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now