Chapter 6: ✔️

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Chapter 6: The Forgotten Best Friend

(They are still 18)

( EDITED ) ✔️ 7/25/16

Autumn's POV

It's been a month since One Direction has been a band. Louis hasn't been answering my texts. We've Face Timed about two times but they were cut short because he was busy. This is what I was afraid of. He was starting to fade away. But I'm not letting the fame take him away from me. I'm not giving up. Since tonight is the X Factor I was excited to see them perform.

They have about two months until they get to come home. If they won then they still get to come and take a little time off with there families.

Two months. I don't think I can make it. I feel like I'm missing some part of me. I can't take it.

My mum, Johanna, and I all crowd in the living room. We set up our tables and get ready for the X Factor. It begins and all the contestants go. Then finally One Direction comes on. We cheer. They perform and we all scream. They harmonized perfectly. I swear they are going to win! My eyes stay glued on Louis the whole time. He looks different. The way he walks, he looks.

After the show I rush up to my room and get my phone set up. I firstly watch the new video diaries. Louis is the funniest one. He always is. Niall is the one who laughs non-stop. It's kinda cute.

After I'm done I click on the FaceTime app. It starts to ring.

Then it ends. I try again. It ends.

I decide to call him instead. It rings.

Then goes to voicemail.

I leave a voicemail and decide to text him.

To: My Carrot King
From: Autumn

Why aren't you picking up? Are you alright?

I call again. Again.

Then finally he picks up.


I was taken back by the harshness. "Um hi Lou."

"What do you want!"

"I was just trying to call you. You know we usually Face Time after the X Factor."

"Well sometimes when someone doesn't pick up they don't want to talk."

"Yeah but I miss you."

"Yeah well that's nice."

My heart shatters. It feels like my heart is broken into a billion pieces. He didn't even say he missed me back.

"Don't you miss me?"

"I don't know. But really Autumn stop calling. I'm not picking up anymore."

"Wait why?! What did I do?"

Tears are pouring out of my eyes.

It feels like my heart is getting stomped over and over again.

"Please tell me what I did w-wrong."

"Autumn... Please stop. You didn't do anything wrong. Please I just need space from you. Your too clingy."

Your to clingy.

"But your my best friend what am I supposed to do? Stop caring?!"

"If that's what helps then do it."

"Your not making sense! Why are you doing this?"

"Because I can."

Then he hangs up. I sink to the ground. Sobs over take my body. I can't breathe. He doesn't care. Fame has over took him in only a month. The guys I love is slipping from my grasp. The pain is unbearable.

I text Emily:

To: Emmy
From: Autumn

Please come over! ASAP I need you!

She responds back right away.

To: Autumn
From: Emmy

Be there in 5 min.

I continue to cry into my arms.

Your to clingy.

Is that really true? Am I too clingy?

I hear my door open and I see Emily walking into the room. She notices me crying and runs over pulling me into a hug.

"What's wrong?!"


"What about him? Is he okay?"

I shake my head and I tell her everything. By the time I'm done I feel more tears falling down my cheeks.

"Oh honey! It going to be fine! I bet Louis will apologize tomorrow! He was probably under a lot of stress."

I nod. Emily says,"I'll be right back."

She comes back a couple minutes later with two tubs of ice cream. I let out a small smile.

"Now who is ready for some Teen Wolf action!"

I laugh and nod my head. We are obsessed with Teen Wolf. I grab my cookie doe ice cream and Emily has her Reese's peanut butter one. We turn on the telly and grab our ice cream.

As we continue to watch the shows I feel wet tears still flowing freely down my face.

The Forgotten Best Friend [ Louis Tomlinson ] - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now