The Mood

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"Niall." You poke his side. Nothing. "Niiiallllllll," you say again. Again, nothing.

"I know you're awake, Niall. Stop pretending, we need to go!"

You see a smile forming on his face, his eyes still closed. He grabs a pillow and swats you.

You jump back, and then giggle. "You little buggar!"

He sits up quickly and rubs his eyes, then smiles cheekily. "Hey, baby." Niall grabs your waist, and you try to get out of his grip.

You laugh as he tickles your stomach, and pulls you on top of him. You flip over to face him, and he stares at you as you calm down.

"What?" you ask, sitting up a little.

"Your laugh..."

Your eyes widen, and your hand covers your mouth. "Oh God, I know. Its loud and embarrassing-"

"No," Niall smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "It's adorable."

You feel your cheeks darken. "Th-thanks."

He leans in, and your lips meet. After awhile, you pull away, a goofy grin painted on your face.

"Nicely done," you giggle.


"You got me in the mood."

"'The mood?'"

"Yeah. In my goofy-slash- romantic mood.." you poke his chest, looking up at him again. "You always do this to me. I'm never like this," you gesture to yourself.

Niall laughs, his chest vibrating your pink face as it lays on top of it.

"You're perfect in any mood, (y/n)," he says.

"Oh, really?" You giggle.

"Yes. Tired, grumpy, grouchy, sad, angry-"

"Hey!" you say, punching his chest playfully.

"Hey, I said any mood."

You giggle. "I love you, Niall, and I'd love to talk more, but we have to go..."

He finally sits up, pulling you with him. He then takes your hand. "Lets go."

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