I Wanted To

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"Niall, look at this. LOOK AT IT."

I slap my boyfriend's hand so he'll put his phone away.

"(Y/n), c'mon. This is a jewelry store! A girly one! I wanna gooooo."

"Suck it up." I point to the necklace I had been eyeing. "I love this one."

He shrugs. "If that's what girls like. Then I guess it's pretty."

I roll my eyes. "Let's just go. You don't care."

I stand in the entrance of the store as I now wait for Niall. "You comin?"

He takes one last glance at the case. "Yup."

A few days later happens to be my birthday. Fortunately, Niall remembers, and wakes me up with my favorite breakfast. We spend the day together laying in bed and watching movies.

Just before Niall is about to go get some food for dinner, he appears in the doorway of our bedroom giddily. "I have some things for you."

I clasp my hands together like a child, smiling.

He hands me a black, rectangular box. I slowly open it, revealing the necklace from the other day.

I gasp. "Oh, Niall, I love it." I sit in his lap, kissing and hugging him. "I can't believe you went back. Thank you."

He pulls away, but takes the necklace out and settles it on my neck. I smile as he clamps it shut.

"You didn't have to. It must have cost a fortune." My fingers carefully skim the silver designs as I speak.

Niall's arms circle my body, pulling me impossibly close. We grin.

"I wanted to. I wanted to make you happy."

I poke his nose playfully. "You make me happy. Everything you do makes me happy."

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