Missing You

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The flight was delayed. It would arrive in the morning instead. Which sucks, because I want to see Niall.

Tears stream down my red face as I lay in bed. Curling up, I realize how absolutely freezing I am.

All I want is Niall back. His arm on my stomach, his steady breathing as we sleep. Everything about him, I miss.

If only touring was only a couple hours instead of a couple months.

My breath hitches in my throat. A deep sob escapes my lips as I shiver uncontrollably.

That's when I hear it. The door creak.

I jump out of bed, run out of the bedroom, and down the stairs. I practically fall over as I jump from a higher step.

And then I see him at the doorway, the hallway light lighting up his figure, as he slips off his shoes. His beautiful blue eyes, his messy hair incredibly cute.

"Niall," I whisper, almost to myself.

He looks up, confused, and then sees me. His eyes widen, and I stand still. I feel my eyes watering up. They fall as he takes three long strides over to me.

His arms gently wrap me in a hug.

I just stand there, completely awed. Then I slowly lift my arms, setting them on his toned back.

"I wanted to surprise you... I really missed you," he says quietly.

"I missed you, too..." My breath hitches again. "So much that it.. it hurt."

Niall's hand strokes my hair softly. "I'm here," he whispers. "I'm here now."

My tears pour down my face, and I'm not sure if they're happy or sad. Maybe a little of both.

"It hurt so much, Niall," I sob. "I.. I missed you so.." I sigh, shuttering. "so much."

Niall pulls away, and rests his forehead on mine. "Let's go upstairs," he says, and pecks my nose.

I nod. He entwines our fingers, and leads me up the stairs.

My crying has stopped, but I'm still trying to calm down and I'm breathing weird as we climb into our bed. He pulls my body as close as he possibly can, our faces inches apart. "I love you," he whispers, reaching his hand up and brushing his thumb beneath my eyes, wiping the tears.

"I love you, Niall." I smile a little, wrapping my hands around his waist, pulling him so our chests are touching, our legs entwining.

He laughs a little. "I'm so happy I'm back."

"Kiss me," I say quickly, swallowing.

My eyes close as our lips connect. It feels so nice, his warm lips on mine again, that I can't breathe again.

I lay on top of him now, my fingers pulling at the nape of his neck. His arms around my waist.

His hands slide up the back of my shirt. My breath hitches, and he pulls away for a moment, and stares at me, almost asking what he can do.

I make eye contact, nodding a little. "I don't want you to stop."

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