The Thought of You (version 1)

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I cross my fingers, hoping Niall will step out of the plane that just landed. And when he does, my heart leaps.

But when I see his hand holding another girls', my stomach flip-flops, and I'm thinking this can't be what it looks like.

But it is. He kisses her.

My hand flies to my mouth, and I stare until Niall finally realizes I'm standing on the other side of the airport.

His face gets excited for a moment, but then it fades. He starts walking towards me, but I just run.

I run out the building, down the street, and quickly find a cab.

Thankfully Niall is several feet away, and doesn't reach it in time.

I silently sob until I get home. I pay the driver and rush inside, suddenly not feeling sad anymore. Just... angry.

I slam the bedroom so hard it knocks down the photos of Niall and I on the wall. I hold one in my hand, studying it. Studying the last time I'll see his face.

Halfway through packing up my clothes, the door opens. And Niall slowly approaches me.

"What're you doing?" he asks quietly.

"What does it look like?" I snap. "I'm leaving."


"No 'buts', Niall. I saw you kissing that girl at the airport. I'm not some stupid girl that'll just stick around."

"I know," he says. "I'm sorry."

"A 'sorry' won't fix this. It won't fix us."

"It was a mistake, (y/n). She was just a girl on the plane I met. I was missing you."

"And you couldn't wait the last couple hours until you could see me?"

"I'm sorry," he repeats.

That's all it takes for me to feel weak in the knees again. His voice. It all comes back to me, how much I missed him.

"Please don't leave," Niall begs, reaching for my arm.

I let him. I let him touch for me, and take hold of my shaking body. He pulls me to him, wrapping his strong arms around me.

Maybe it was the situation, the betrayal, my sadness. But I started crying again.

Niall wipes my face.

"How could you..." A loud sob escapes my parted lips.

"I'm so sorry," he whispers. "Please, just give me another chance."

I don't nod. I don't slap him. I don't do anything. I freeze.

"How do I know you won't just do this again?"

"Because I love you."

The new words bring a small smile to my face. "You do?"

"Yes." His hands cup my face. "And I don't know why it took so long for me to figure it out." He kisses me on the nose. "Maybe it was just the thought of not being with you.

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