Going on a run -Daryl

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You opened your eyes as you awoke from your dreamless sleep.
Today you where going to help Daryl collect some food,water and anything else that would become useful in this prison. You smiled at yourself as you knew you would be spending most of the day with Daryl.

You have always had a little thing for Daryl you just didn't know how it came about maybe it was how brave he was and how lucky we are to have a strong guy like him on are side. You where interrupted from your thoughts with Daryl waving his hand in front of your face.

"(Y/N) are you alright?" He spoke concern showing in his voice you just nodded and smiled at him lightly.

"Yea I'm fine just looking forward to today." You answered happily and that brought a smile on Daryl's face.

"Well I'm glad you are coming with me today I seem to enjoy myself a lot more when I'm around you." He chuckled before walking off, probably going to get some stuff ready for today.

A few hours past and now we where packing the car getting ready to go out and get supplies.
Before you and Daryl left you tied your (H/C) into a tight pony tail so it wouldn't be a distraction.

"Do you have everything Y/N." He grinned at me and I nodded before hopping into the passengers seat.

"I'm ready when you are." You laughed a little as you saw him smile before hopping into the car.

The car ride was was silent until Daryl decided to break it.

"We are heading to a school today, it's just a few more blocks down hopefully we will find some supplies." He said seriously before turning the car.

After some time we finally arrived at the school. Daryl pulled the car to a holt as we saw maybe 20-70 walkers surrounding the play ground.

"Are you sure you want to do this (Y/N)?" Daryl said sounding a little worried you nodded as you got out the car waiting for him.

He soon go out of the car coming to your side getting ready to fight the walkers.

"If you get in any trouble you shout me and I'll be there." Daryl said as we started to walk up to the school.

Daryl kicked the red wooden old door in as walkers came rushing out. You grabbed your knife and stabbed it in the head knocking it down. You smiled as you started to kill more of them until there was non left. You looked over to Daryl and saw he just finished off his last on as well.

"Well done (Y/N)." He smiled before walking into the school you following behind.

As you where walking into the hallway of the school you noticed that the lunch hall was full of food.

"Hey Daryl, the lunch room over there looks like it has food." You spoke lightly as you grabbed his hand leading the way.

As you two entered the lunch room you could see Daryl smiling lightly.

"Are you ok Daryl?" You spoke a little worried. He just nodded smiling a little as he left go of you hand.

You two both looked around shocked at how much food was here.

"I guess no one ransacked the place when this all started." He smiled a little before grabbing food and stuffing it in his bag.

You followed his movement stuffing as much as you could in your bag.

"I think that will be enough for food, let's see if there is any water." Daryl said walking around the place.

You nodded as you saw a door that hasn't been opened.

"Maybe there is something in there." You spoke as you put your hand on the handle and pulled it open.

You gasped as a walked dived on you trying to bite into your skin.

"Daryl!!" You screamed as you felt the walker about to rip your throat out.

Daryl just stood there looking shocked as you looked around finding a piece of glass on the floor and stabbed it into the zombie multiple times.

"What the hell!!" You screamed as you looked up at Daryl who was still looking shocked.

"Why didn't you help me!! I could of died!!" You screamed not caring anymore.

"I'm sorry." Daryl whispered. You shook your head ready to flip at him.

"You only care about yourself don't you?" You whispered as tears filled your eyes.

He frowned as he walked slowly to you.

"I don't care about myself at all, if anything was to happen to you I wouldn't know what to do!!" He shouted. You just stood there speechless.

"I don't know what happened I thought the walker was eating you I thought you got infected and I just froze in fear because I-I thought I had lost someone important to me." He whispered as he grabbed your hand lightly.

You looked into his eyes as you saw love in them. You never actually thought Daryl would ever have a thing for you but obviously you where wrong.

Before you knew what was happening Daryl moves forward and placed his lips on yours. You kiss back almost immediately wrapping your arms around his neck.

This was your favourite run yet.

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