To much -Rick

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"Carl!" You heard Rich shout for the sixth time in five minutes.

You saw Carl start running to were his dad called out, his footsteps echoing throughout the prison cells. Rick has been very..different lately. He doesn't tell anyone to do anything anymore except Carl, but if Carl does something wrong Rick would go crazy at him. It's not just been me who has noticed this change it's everyone in the prison.

"We can't keep letting Carl deal with this." You heard Daryl speak out aloud.

"It's not fair on him, the poor kid ends up missing out on dinner so he can get sleep! Rick is killing the boy!" You heard Daryl start to shout as anger built up in him.

"Daryl calm down, if you do anything it will just cause something a lot worst." You felt yourself speak as Daryl looked straight at you.

"Well what do you want to do A/N? Let the boy run round like a little slave?"

Shaking your head you stood up.

"I may have a plan but if it doesn't work Carl will end up copping the blame even if I said it was me." You whispered, your sick of Carl being treated like crap.

"Well..what is the plan?" Daryl asked, everyone else looked at you as you smiled slightly.

"It's simple Carl needs to just disobey Rick, then when Rick starts to go crazy me and Daryl will take that opportunity to talk to him, it's the only way for him to listen to us." You spoke softly as you looked around the room, everyone was looking at you with shocked faces.

"It might just work." You heard Daryl mumble to himself as you both heard Carl coming back looking upset.

"Carl what's wrong?" You spoke worriedly seeing tears build up in Carls eyes.

"My dad is just constantly shouting at me for nothing." Carl whimpered before he sat down at the table.

"Carl do you know why he is being like this?" Questioned Carol. He just shook his head.

"Mum is dead thats why, he blames himself for not being there." He whispered as a tear fell down his left eye.

"He won't listen to anyone, my dad is slowly loosing his mind." Carl mumbled as he got up from the table.

"Carl wait." You said lightly as you grabbed his arm.

"We need you're help." You signed as Carl turned around.

"What do you need help with?" Carl questioned as he looked around the table.

"We need you to disobey him, argue with him so me and Daryl can finally talk some sense into him." Your voice stern as Daryl nodded to Carl.

"Sure it won't be to long before he wants me to do something else." Carl frowned before sitting back down at the table.

As if on cue you heard Ricks voice bellow through the prison. Carl just stayed were he was and ignored his father.

"Carl!!" Rick shouted again as his foot steps could be heard through the prison and could be heard louder as he got closer to where everyone is.

Carl stayed there worry filled his face as Rick barged into the room.

"Carl why aren't you listening to me?" He shouted angrily.

Carl just sat there looking down as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Ever since mum died all you cared about is yourself! You make me run around doing your jobs, you tell me to be brave and this is why I'm standing here sticking up for myself because your loosing it dad!" Carl shouted his voice strong and firm as Rick stared at him shock.

"We have all been worried about you Rick, we know loosing Lori is hard but do you think she would want this?" He questioned to him as Ricks eyes filled with warm salary tears.

"We all care about you, we hate seeing you like this." You whispered as a tear slipped your right eye.

Rick just stared at you before storming off and back to what he was doing.

"Do you think it worked?" Carl questioned as he looked down.

Nodding your head you smiled.

"I think so, this is the first time iv seen him show emotion." You spoke to the group.

They all nodded signing a little as they noticed it has gotten late.

"Well I'm going to bed." You spoke lightly as you smiled to everyone.

"Goodnight sweet dreams." You smiled before walking to your cell room.

After getting your Pj's on you climbed into bed and where about to go to sleep until there was a knock at your cell door.

"Y/N?" You heard Ricks voice speak softly.

"What." You said a little to harshly as you have had enough of him today.

You heard him sign through the cell as he knocked again.

"Come in." You said irritated that he couldn't just let you sleep.

He smiled a little and walked into the cell shutting the door quietly.

"It's to much, iv lost everything except for Carl." Rick said as he voice cracked you felt yourself give in as you pulled him into a hug.

"I know but look you have me,Daryl, Carl,Carol, T dog and a lot more." You felt yourself smile into the hug as Rick pulled away and looked into your eyes.

"Your amazing." You heard Ricks voice say happily, you frowned as you looked up and him but was quickly surprised when you felt his lips crash into yours.

A few minutes when by and both of you pulled away breathless.

"Iv been wanting to do that for so long." Rick said breathlessly and you smiled and looked down shyly.

"Your not the only one Rick." You giggled and looked up at him as he placed his lips on yours again. 

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