Sneaking out -Daryl (Part 1)

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Requested by cubba37

Your feet echoed through the empty prison cells, you couldn't find Daryl anywhere and you were starting to get fed up.

"Where could he be"? You mumbled in frustration as you continued to search the prison.

"Y/N, who are you looking for"? You stopped as you heard Daryl's voice.

"I was looking for you, you have been gone for nearly three hours". You mumbled quietly hoping he didn't hear you.

"I went out on a run, we needed more supplies so Carl and I decided to go". You frowned, mostly confused at the fact that Carl went on a run.

"Wait wait, so your telling me that a kid
could go on a run but I can't"? You felt anger build up slowly, you crossed your arms waiting for another stupid excuse on why you couldn't go out for runs.

You saw Daryl roll his eyes he seemed to get fed up with your constant complaining ever since you two got together.

"If you go out there and get bitten it's all over Y/N, it only takes one wrong move and in under a second, a walker in tearing into you like a fresh piece of meat and I don't want that to happen to you... I want you to live". Daryl's voice hard and stern as he looked you straight in your eyes.

You looked down, knowing what Daryl said is true. It only takes a second and you could be infected, but your sick of sitting in the prison with nothing to do you miss the wild life but most of all you miss being free.

You took a deep breath before letting the words leave your mouth.

"I don't care, I want to be free." Your words were strong and passionate.

Daryl's eyes darkened as you could see the angered expression on his face.

"Well I don't care, you are not leaving this prison, end of story". You heard Daryl spit, you looked down knowing that there would be no way to even try and convince him.

"Whatever". You spit back as you turned on your feet and stormed off into your prison cell.

Daryl didn't bother to follow, he knew if he did it would cause more trouble then there already was.

"I'm going on a run later, make sure you help out with the food okay"? You heard Daryl shout as he started to walk away to find Rick.

You sighed as you looked at your prison walls again, you're sick of being trapped in this place you want to be able to feel the sun on your face, the sound of the trees moving as the wind blew through your hair. Thinking of this made you decide on your next decision, you're going to sneak out whilst Daryl is on his run. You will show him, you will show him that you can survive.

After thinking for a long half an hour you knew what you was going to do. When Daryl went for his run to collect supplies your going to sneak out and hopefully be back before Daryl comes back or there would be trouble.

You walked out of your prison cell trying to act as normal as you can.

"Hey Y/N". Maggie smiled as she was carrying some towels.

"Hey Maggie, do you know if Daryl has gone out for he run yet"? You asked hopping she would know.

"Um I'm pretty sure he is leaving now". She smiled lightly before walking past you.

You signed in relief as you quickly walked back to your prison cell to grab your bag and machete just in case you bump into any walkers.

"Here we go". You whispered to yourself as you started to walk towards the exit.

"Where are you going"? You heard behind you as you where reaching the outside gate of the prison.

"Nowhere". You whispered as you turned around to turn face to face with Carl.

"Your not allowed to leave Y/N, Daryl doesn't want you getting hurt or even killed". Carl said sternly as he looked you straight in the eyes.

"Carl.. I want to be free, I want to be able to go outside the prison I don't want to be trapped". You signed lightly as you moved towards the fence.

"I'm being free". You smiled lightly as you turned around and sprinted towards the gate and before you know it your outside the prison.

You looked around to make sure there was no walkers around, once everything was clear you began to run towards the forest. Hearing the birds chirp happily and the wind hit your face you knew you had made the right decision.

"I'm missed this". You smiled at yourself as you continued to run through the forest.

You where quickly stopped as you felt your body collide against another one. You felt yourself hit the ground hard making you whimper in pain.

What the heck did I just bump into? You thought to yourself. The question was quickly answered as you heard multiple groans and moans surround you.

You felt your breath hitch as you slowly lifted your head to see about 6 walkers surrounding you.

This isn't going to end well.


A/N Hello everyone I am back, I'm so sorry for taking so long to update but I'm going to be getting back into updating regularly. This is part one of this imagine !! I hope you liked it.

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