We have scars but we survived. -Daryl

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Requested by Outoftea

You were pacing back and forth as you noticed that Daryl had been gone for six hours now, but you wouldn't blame him Carol was a mess because Sophia is still missing.

"Stop stressing Victoria, Daryl is a tough guy you should know that." Lori spoke softly as she rubbed your back trying to comfort you.

"I know but he has been gone for six hours and it's going to get dark soon." You grumbled worriedly as you put your dark brown shoulder length hair into a ponytail.

"Look Daryl knows what he is doing he will be fine I promise you." Lori smiled before walking out of the room to go and find Rick and Carl.

You signed as you looked out the window hoping to see Daryl. Ever since this apocalypse started you and Daryl have gotten really close, he has taught you how to survive and how to hunt so you don't get killed out there.

You decided to go outside to see how everyone was, you noticed Dale was still on top of the white van still on look out as Andrea joined him. You gave a little smile to him as you looked out to were he was looking.

You signed as you started to drift into your own world.
What if Daryl is dead?
What if he has left us?
What if....what if that's all your mind was doing was racing with questions.

"Walker!!" You heard Andrea shout making you snap back into reality.

You saw Andrea look through the binoculars, the sun reflecting off the screen making her not being able to see the walker clearly.

"I bet I can nail him from here!!" You heard her shout as she grabbed the gun and moved onto her stomach aiming at the walker.

As you saw Andrea get ready to shoot the walker you noticed Shane,Glenn and T-dog start running to were the walker was.

"Put the gun down, we will take it from here." You heard Rick shout to Andrea as they headed towards the walker.

To you it was only just a walker nothing special so you don't see why four people had to go and kill the thing but whatever is safe right?

"Andrea put the gun down." You heard Dale shout but she didn't move a muscle.

You looked up at Andrea who is still laying on her stomach with the gun pointed to the walker . Can she really get it from this far? You thought as you looked back at the guys seeing they have stopped. Wait a second... They don't hesitate to kill walkers so why this one??

You where about to tell Andrea not to shoot when you heard a big bang that made your ears ring. You looked up to see the walker on the ground but Rick started to shout.

You noticed everyone had ran out the house due to hearing the gun shot.

You looked back over to see Rick and Shane carrying someone with them.

You noticed it was Daryl and a wave of panic hit you.

"Daryl!!" You shouted as you ran over to him looking to see if he was alive.

"V-Victori-." You heard him whisper before passing out.

You looked over to Andrea who was stood there looking shocked.

"Next time don't shoot!" You shouted as you helped Rick and Shane get Daryl inside.

- 4 hours later-

Dinner was nearly done but you didn't care about that. You didn't care about anything right now except for Daryl. He looked pretty beaten up it looked like he had a horrible day. You signed as you looked around noticing Daryl wasn't at the table and Carol was getting some food ready to take in for him.

"I'll take it." You smiled a little as you saw Carol nod and hand you the tray of food.

"Thanks Victoria." Carol smiled as you started to walk to the room Daryl was in.

You decided to knock before opening the door just to let him know that someone was coming in. As you opened the brown wooden door you saw Daryl lying down just staring at the ceiling.

"Hey Daryl how ware you feeling?" You questions trying to make a conversation start.

"I'v been better Victoria but thanks for checking up on me." You heard Daryl groan as he tried to sit up.

You quickly out the tray of food down as you walked up to Daryl.

"Here let me help." You spoke as you helped him sit up.

You let out a little gasp as you saw Daryl's back was covered in scars. Daryl must of heard your gasp because he quickly lay back down trying to cover them.

"Get out." You heard him spit as you where still shocked at what you saw.

"I said get out!!" You heard him shout but you just signed and just looked up into him eyes.

As you got his attention you devices to roll up your sleeves revealing old scars across your arms.

"I have not the same kind of scars like you, but for along time I was ashamed of them. But then I realised that this is just scars. They're not disgusting or dangerous, they're just skin tissue. But there also proof." You spoke softly as you saw Daryl still looking down at your arms.

"A proof of what?" You heard him question which made you smile a little.

"That you have endured something,and survived.Our past scars reminds us that the past was bad, but we survived." You whispered.

Daryl was shocked at what he had heard but then he smiled a little.

"Scars aren't just scars, they also show the battle that you have been through and have won." He whispered back as he lent in and kissed you softly.

You kissed back automatically as you felt him grab your hand lightly.

"You are perfect Victoria." He spoke softly as he kissed you again.


A/N Hey guys I would also like to give credit to Outoftea  she asked me to do this chapter and it is one of my favourites and I really enjoyed writing it and she also wrote some as well it wasn't just all me so go follow she is an amazing writer. Also sorry that I haven't been updating I have had a lot on but my updating will hopefully go back to Normal thank you

- Secret

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