A walk in the night -Rick

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You and Daryl have always been close friends even before the apocalypse. However you mostly saw Daryl as a brother not a guy you would date, you thought you didn't have to explain this to him because he might have already figured it out, unfortunately today isn't going to be an ordinary day.

You and Daryl have been out of a run for about two days now. Daryl mostly wanted to go so he could get more supplies and food. However you wanted to go so you could get baby Judith some toys and formula.

"Do you think she will like these?" You asked Daryl as you held up the number blocks you managed to find in a nursery, you saw that he wasn't taking his eyes off the road but he still have you a nod as he turned a corner.

"Well I hope so, I want to give her the childhood we all had before this world went to hell." You spoke softly as you couldn't wait to see Rick and Judith.

As you saw the gate to Alexandria a wave of excitement came over you to see you where finally home. As Daryl waited for the gate to open he turned to you.

"Are you busy tonight?" He asked showing a little but it nervousness.

You shook your head before nodding, indicating for him to continue.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later tonight maybe watch the starts or something?" He asked as you felt a smile crept up on your face.

"Sure I'll meet you outside of my house when the sun has set?" You asked and he nodded before looking back seeing the gate was open and drove the car in.

As Daryl parked the car you quickly grabbed your things and rushed out of the car not even bothering to say bye to Daryl or even a thank you.

You ran towards Ricks house as you found yourself knocking on the door moments later. You waited for a little while until a sleepy Carl answered the door.

"Hey how was your trip?" He asked giving you a hug.

"It was great I mostly grabbed stuff for Judith though, I want her to have the childhood the rest of us had before he world went to shit." You chuckled a little as Carl nodded his head before he stepped aside saying you could come in.

You quickly walked looking around hoping to find Judith and Rick.

"Hey how was your run?" You heard Ricks voice behind you and you turned quickly giving him a hug.

"It was amazing look what I got for Judith." You smiled as you gave Rick the huge bag full of today and formula.

Ricks eyes widened in shock as he hugged you tightly.

"Thank you." You heard him say as he pulled away.

You and Rick decided to go and talk as obviously you would be holding Judith whilst doing that.

"So how has Daryl been with you?" Rick asked and you shrugged your shoulders, signalling nothing has changed.

You noticed it was starting to get dark as Rick grabbed your arm gently.

"Come on a night time walk with me?" Rick asked smiling and pulling you closer to him.

You smiled and nodded forgetting that you had already arranged to meet up with Daryl.

As night time fell you decided to put Judith to bed before heading out. You and Rick where just walking around Alexandria talking about random things until a voice shocked you out of that happy moment.

"So I just get throw aside?" You head Daryl's voice behind you and you looked down feeling guilty.

"No I understand you just want to spend time with Rick." Daryl spat getting more angry and that's when Rick stepped in.

"Daryl calm down and dint talk to her like that." He spat as he stepped in front of you in a protective way.

Before you knew what was happening Rick was on the ground with blood coming out of his nose. Daryl has punched him straight in the nose. Rick stood up angrily and charged at Daryl slamming him on the ground as he starts to punch Daryl as many time in the face as he could before Daryl managed to push him off. You didn't like seeing them fight especially over you. You needed to put a end to it.

"Stop this now!!" You shouted as both of them stopped and looked straight at you.

"Daryl I have been friends with you for as long as I remember now and are you seriously going to blow it off over me liking someone else?" You asked as you walked over to both of them and pulled Rick up off the ground as Daryl starred at you in shock.

"Daryl, I love Rick, I love you as a brother and nothing else I'm sorry." You spoke as you looked feeling a hand on your shoulder you looked up to see Daryl smiling lightly at you as he nodded before walking off into the night leaving you and Rick to share a kiss under the moonlight.

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