Broken -Carl

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Requested by earthgirl28

Since you and Carl have arrived at Alexandria, something has changed. You have noticed Carl has changed, he has became more distant and forgetful. Every time you two would arrange something he would forget or turn up a few hours late, that's not like Carl at all.

"Chelsea are you listening?" You heard Carl say softly as he pulled you out of your thoughts.

"Yea sorry what was you saying?" You questioned feeling a little embarrassed that you spaced out whilst Carl was talking to you.

"It doesn't matter, look I'm going to go out for a little while I'll be back soon." He smiled a little before he put on his sheriffs hat.

You signed lightly as you watched him leave the house. What is wrong with him lately? You thought as you got up and went to your room. Hopefully he won't be to long, you thought as you felt yourself drift into a sleep.

You jolted away as you heard the door slam shut.

"Sorry Chelsea." You heard Carl's voice whisper in panic.

You frowned as you looked out the window noticing it was pitch black.

"Where have you been." You whispered as you saw him move closer to the bed.

"I was helping my dad with something.. Let's just go to sleep now." He signed as he got into the bed.

You went to cuddle up to him but you felt him turn over, completely rejecting your cuddle. You whimpered a little as you turned over letting sleep take over you.

-The morning-

You felt yourself toss and turn as you opened your eyes slowly to be greeted by the sun. You smiled lightly as you turned over to see an empty space beside you. Where is Carl? You thought as you got up out of your bed and started to get ready for the day.

After you have got ready the day you decided to go downstairs to be greeted by Glenn and Maggie.

"Hey Glenn, hey Maggie what's up?" You question as you looked at both of them who exchanged looks to each other.

"Have you and Carl been ok?" You heard Maggie question as you saw Glenn avoiding eye contact with you. Something isn't right.

"I think we are.. He had been acting distant lately and I don't know why." You spoke honestly as you now took a notice to your combat boots.

"I agree he has been acting strange... Him and Enid have been getting really close lately." You head Glenn whisper to you.

You felt your breathing become shallow as you could feel your heard slowly breaking.

"I-I'll go and f-find him." You stuttered a little as you started to head to the door.

"Good luck Chelsea." You heard both Glenn and Maggie say.

You felt yourself smile a little as knew they cared about you but it quickly goes away when you started to walk to Enid's house.

You slowly walked down the street contemplating if you wanted to know if Carl was cheating on you or not. You whimpered lightly as you walked up the steps to her house.

Just do it Chelsea, just get it over and done with, you thought as you found yourself at the door, you slowly lifted your hand and knocked on the door. As five minutes passed you knocked again but harder this time, after waiting for another five minutes your patience got the best of you. You slowly placed your hand on the door knob as you turned it slowly opening the door.

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