Kidnapped -Rick (Part 1)

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You smiled down at Judith as you where bouncing her on your lap. You decided to babysit Judith whilst Rick and Carl went on a run to get more supplies for Alexandria.

"God your cute". You chuckled as Judith giggled lightly.

You were glad Rick and his 'family' as he calls them came to Alexandria, before they came, Alexandria was slowly going down hill. They have all helped us become more stronger and more fearless when it came to dealing with the enemy or walkers. But Rick taught me one thing and that was either 'Fight or Flight" and normally Flight meant give up or die....I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts as Judith started to cry.

"Hey hey what's the matter"? You asked Judith whilst pulling a funny face to try and make her laugh but it didn't work.

Maybe she is hungry? You thought as you stood up placing her on your hip and walked into the kitchen seeing what was there for Judith to eat. You signed as you saw nothing, we must be really low on supplies. You signed at the thought as Judith continued to cry.

"Maybe seeing uncle Daryl might put that smile back on your face". You smiled a little.

If you where honest with yourself, you where bad at this baby sitting job. You only really did it because you loved seeing Judith and also helping Rick out when he needed due to you caring so much for him.

You quickly grabbed Judith's favourite teddy as you started to head for the door, maybe Daryl can help with Judith it would be good if he had something for her to eat.

You turned the door handle and opened the door, feeling the cold air hit your face making shivers go down your spine. You shut the door behind you as Judith was still crying and wriggling on your hip. You  quickly scanned outside to see if you would see Daryl.

You smiled a little as you saw Daryl walking down the street probably heading to his place.

"Daryl"! You shouted trying to get his attention.

Daryl stopped as he looked back at you before walking towards you. You smiled a little as you knew he would be able to help.

"Yea Y/N"? He asked a little confused on why you shouted him over.

"I know this might sound weird or kinda random but would you be able to help me with Judith, she won't stop crying and there is nothing for her to eat". You signed a little feeling like a burden due to you not being able to handle Judith today.

Daryl looked at Judith and smiled a little before taking her off your hip and him holding her up above his head so she was looking down at Daryl.

"Hey little ass kicker you being a handful today"? He joked with Judith as Judith stopped crying and looked at Daryl.

"I think I have some biscuits or something at my place, you want to come along"? He asked smiling a little as you smiled back at him.

"Sure I have nothing else to do". You chuckled a little as you started to follow
Daryl back to his place.

Daryl was throwing Judith up in the air and catching her as she was laughing at him. You smiled and was glad that you asked Daryl to help, this is probably the only time you will see him bring his guard down and this is when he is with Judith because she is his little ass kicker.

You entered Daryl place as he placed Judith gently on the couch making sure she sat up on the couch properly.

"I'm just going to go and get her something to eat, I'll be back in a second and also I want to talk to you about
Something". He smiled a little as you nodded before he disappeared in the kitchen.

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