Midnignt visit -Ron

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You let out a groan of frustration when you heard a new rule being put into place.

"This rule is so we can protect Alexandria from any threat that decides to climb the walls at night."

You heard Rick began to speak as his voice had caught everyones attention.

"Not any of you are allowed out past 10 o'clock, anyone that breaks this rule will be punished understood?" Rick spoke loud and strong as you saw everyone nod in understandment but you.

You thought this was a stupid rule, why do we all have to hide away when it hits ten o'clock it's completely unfair!! So much for having freedom!! You thought as you stomped back to your house that you shared with some other people from the town.

As you walked in you noticed Carl sitting on the sofa obviously waiting for you.

"You know my dad is trying to keep us safe right?" You heard Carl talk softly as he stood up from the couch, you just rolled you eyes and laughed a little.

"Safe...Keeping us safe.. The only thing he is doing is taking away our freedom!!" You spat as you saw Carl move closer to you.

"You don't understand." You heard him snigger as you grabbed his arm and slammed him agents the wall.

"I could easily kick your ass Grimes don't underestimate me." You spat as you let go of his arm and he walked out slamming the door behind him and you just laughed to yourself.

You quickly walked upstairs trying to find your gun, just incase anything happened it's best to keep it on you. As you where walking down you saw Carol come through the door.

"Hey Carol what's up?" You spoke lightly as you put the gun in your holder.

You saw her smile lightly as she held out some cookies on a plate.

"I thought you would get hungry." She smiled sweetly at you as you smiled back taking the plate out of her hands.

"Thank you." You smiled lightly as you watched her nod and walk out of the door.

You looked down at the cookies , you loved Carols cookies they are amazing. You where quickly pulled out of your throughs as you heard a knock at the door you groaned a little.

Why are so many people coming to my house today? You thought as you walked to the door seeing it was Ron. Why was Ron here? You questioned as he smiled a little adjusting his beanie.

"Hey I just thought I would come and visit you since you seemed angry at Rick." He smiled a little looking down and you smiled happily.

"Yes I'm fine it just pissed me off because he is taking over this place and no one will stand up to him because everyone is afraid of him." You grumbled.

You saw him nod but sigh a little.

"I do agree with that but he is trying to keep us safe but I know your not used to having someone tell you what to do." He spoke lightly and for some reason that annoyed you.

"Really Ron? You know what just go and kiss his ass whilst your at it." You spat as you slammed the door in his face.

You signed as you looked at the time 9.56pm you rolled your eyes as you decided to get ready for bed.

You smiled as your head hit the pillow making you drift off to sleep almost instantly.

-3 hours later-

You awoke hearing a knocking at your window, you frowned as you checked the time it was midnight.
Why is someone knocking at this time? Even after what Rick said. You rolled your eyes
as you got up and walked to the window noticing he same beanie you saw before.

It was Ron.

You quickly opened the window letting him in before he got caught.
"What are you doing here?" You whispered trying to keep the noise down.
"I came to see you." He spoke a little shyly.
"Really?" You spoke shocked at what he just said.
"Yea see ill risk anything for you." He smiled a little as he stepped closer to you.
"Your amazing." You heard him speak again before you saw him move closer to you until there was no more space between you two.

You gasped as you gelt his lips touch yours lightly.

"Your perfect." He smiled.

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