Not left behind -Glenn (Part 2)

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You quickly ran up the stairs hoping there where no walkers up there. You looked around for a little while and decided to go in the bedroom on the left. As you opened the door you noticed the window was open.

Glenn did leave you...

You looked down as you heard the walkers break though the door. This was it you were going to die and it was all because you got left behind.

"What did I do wrong?" You questioned yourself as you quickly got in the bedroom and shut the door locking it and hoping they would just pass this room.

You hid underneath the bed as you waited for one of them to start hitting the door.

- 2 hours later -

Two hours passed and now the house is full off walkers and you have no escape, it's either fight them or die. You grabbed your knife that was in your right side pocket and walked up to the door.

"Come on you bastards let's see what you can do." You spoke as you opened the door seeing about five walkers in the hallway.

As you watched them come at you you couldn't help but look at them closely. Theses people where human and now they are not there just monsters. You where quickly pulled out of your thoughts as you stabbed one of them in the head letting it fall to the ground.

If you survive this make a mental note to kick Glenn's ass when you see him.

About ten minutes passed and all the walkers from the hallway where now on the ground. You smiled a little to yourself knowing you beat them this time and you could look after yourself if anyone left you behind.

You where now in the same bedroom just looking around hoping to find something useful or interesting to find. As you where looking through the draws you felt a hand go over you mouth. You let out a load scream as the person wouldn't let go of you.

"(Y/N?)." You heard a voice say,
You quickly turned around and saw it was Glenn standing there.

"Where the hell did you go!! You left me for dead!!" You shouted as you pushed hard. You where beyond pissed.

"Calm down!!" Glenn shouted as he looked into your eyes.

"I didn't leave you for dead if I have done that then maybe I wouldn't be here right?" He asked as he placed both hands on your shoulders.

You nodded a little as you looked down at the floor it pissed you off still you could've died.

"I could've died." You whispered and you felt grip tighten making you look up at him.

"I wouldn't of left you if I knew you cooking handle yourself." He smiled happily as you smiled back.

"I did worry about you though because if I saw you as on of them it would break me." You saw Glenn look down at the ground and you signed a little.

"I would never die if your by my side." He smiled lightly as he looked down at you.

You smiled back as you got lost in a trance, you saw Glenn start to move forward as you did as well.

You then felt soft lips touch yours as they started to move in sync.

You where happy that he didn't leave you behind.

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