Anger -Carl

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Requested by vampettetider

It was a cold and stormy week. Everyone was hoping that it would soon go away because it was affecting the props and food was starting to get low.

"Kallie can you help me for a second?" You heard Maggie say as she tried to dig up the now dead tomato plant.

"Sure Maggie, you looked exhausted go rest." You smiled up at her as she nodded before heading back to her home.

Kallie looked around as she could see many dead plants awaiting to be dug up, she groaned in frustration as she started to dig up the dead tomato plant.

"Hey Kallie ,do you need any help?" You heard Carl ask as you saw him picking up the shovel.

"If you want." You laughed a little as you saw him digging up a dead strawberry plant.

After You and Carl finished digging up all the dead plants you both decided to go and get a drink to cool off.

"I never though that digging up dead plants could be so tiring." You head Carl laugh as he put the now empty water bottle down.

"Carl!!" You head Rick shout as you saw him walking up to Carl.

"We need to talk now!" You heard Rick snigger as he grabbed Carl by the arm and started to drag him to there house and you decided to watch in shock.

"What dad?!" You heard Carl shout back as he yanked him arm away from him.

You saw Ricks eyes widen in shock when he yanked out of his grip.

"What did I tell you to do whilst I was out?!" You heard Rick shout and Carl just rolled his eyes.

"You told me to watch Judith she is asleep and I went to help Kallie with digging up the dead plants!!" You heard Carl shout back.

You saw Rick step closer to him as he pointed the finger in Carl's face.

"Don't you talk to me like that I'm your father!" You heard him shout and Carl pushed him away a little.

"Father?? Father!! You were never there when Judith was first born you where always out saying you saw Lori and I had to dead with her not you!! You weren't there!!" Carl screamed as he turned in your direction and started to storm off.

"Carl." You felt yourself say as you saw him ignore you and walk towards the walls.

Your eyes widened in shock as you quickly started to run up to him.

"Carl what are you doing?!" You shouted as you finally caught up to him.

"I'm going over the walls why?" You heard him spit obviously still angry.

You nodded to him as you decided to follow along well just to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

"Why are you following me?" You heard Carl question as he stopped in the middle of the woods.

"So you don't do anything stupid." You said as you continued to follow him.

"I don't want you getting hurt." You head Carl speak softly as he turned around.

"What do you mean?" You asked as you saw him looked down at the ground then back up.

"Your the most important person to me and I don't want to see you get hurt Kallie." You heard Carl say just above a whisper as he grabbed your hands lightly looking into your eyes.

"You the only person who can make me forget about my problems you make my anger go away." You heard him speak before you felt his soft lips touch yours gently.

You automatically kissed back as you pulled him closer.

"And your important to me Carl." You whispered back as you two kissed once more.

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