We need to talk -Rick

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You and Rick where best friends until Lori past away and then he became distant, well more like insane he kept telling you he saw Lori. However one day he just completely avoided you, every time you would try and talk to him he would blank you.

"(Y/N) are you ok?" Carl said to you snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Yea I'm ok, how about you?" You asked, Carl had been upset and different.

You wouldn't blame him, he just lost his mum and his dad is rarely there for him. You signed as
You gave Carl a side hug.

You and Carl have been really close, it's mostly because you have been there for him more than Rick has.

"I'm just tired and I want my gun back in sick of farming." You heard Carl groan and you nodded agreeing.

"I understand where your coming from it's just the boy never did anything wrong he was handing his gun over." You spoke and you saw Carl nod.

"I guess your right it's just dad isn't there anymore it's like he is gone as well." Carl signed as he got up and started to head to his cell.

What he said made your blood boil a little, Rick can't just blank his kids because he lost his wife it isn't fair.

You stood up as you started to look for Rick. You saw Glenn come out of a cell and you smiled lightly.

"Glenn have you seen Rick?" You spoke lightly as he turned and nodded.

"Yea he is outside somewhere last time I saw him." You smiled and thanked him before you walked outside.

You looked around for a while to try and find where Rick was, you finally spotted him near the fence with all the walkers.

"Rick!" You shouted over hoping he would hear you. He turned his head slightly acknowledging your existence but not saying anything at all.

You huffed as you walked over to him.

"Look Rick I know it's hard loosing Lori but you need to at least be there for your son and your newly born daughter." You said in an angered tone.

"Why do you care what I do with my life?" You heard him snap as you froze. You never heard him snap at you before.

"Because I care about Carl and Judith and what Carl has been saying to me is horrible to hear." You snapped back hoping he would get it thought his head.

Rick just rolled his eyes as he went to walk away but you quickly grabbed his wrist.

"Don't do this." You said as Rick looked in your eyes for a second before pulling away.

You would never admit this to anyone even yourself but you had a tiniest thing for Rick because how great of a guy he is but sadly nothing would ever happen between you two.

"Rick just stop!" You shouted, Rick came to a stop as he turned around looking at you angrily.

"Instead of moping around why don't you be there for your kids?!" You shouted hoping you will get through to him. Rick stopped as he turned round to face you a get showing on his face.

"Do not tell me what to do!" He shouted scaring you a little, but you shook that off you can't let him win.

"Carl feels like he has lost you to!! How do you think the boy would feel when he had to shoot his own mother in the head!!" You shouted louder and Rick looked at you in shock.

Rick grunted as he started to walk away from you, he has had enough of your comments. You stormed past him and into the prison and going to your cell. Why does Rick have to be an ass?! You thought as you signed angrily.

"Am I interrupting?" You heard a familiar voice. You looked up to see it was Daryl.

"No your not, I'm just dealing with an idiot." You spat before walking past him and into your cell.

Before you knew it you had fallen asleep in your cell bunk.

-3 hours later-

You woke with a lightly knock on your cell.

"What do you want Rick?" You asked annoyed slightly. He just ignore your question and entered your cell.

"What happened before I'm sorry that I snapped." He spoke to you you just nodded but felt your bed dip as he sat next to you.

"It's just the lost of Lori and I honestly don't know." He said sadly.

"I have other things going on in my head that isn't helping or anything else but I shouldn't be taking it out on you." You heard him say and you nodded again your sick of him snapping and then saying he is sorry.

"Why should I accept you apology?" You spoke upset and he signed.

"Your the only one I can talk to." He said sadly as he wrapped an are around you.

"I'm so sleepy I haven't slept for two days." He groaned and you smiled lightly.

"You can sleep in here if you want." You ask as you saw him lie down on your bed.

You went to get up until you felt an arm around you.

"Please stay." He asked lightly and you smiled before lying down with him.

"I love you." You heard him say and you smiled lightly.

"I love you to Rick." You cuddled into him more and fell asleep with a smile on your face.

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