The watch tower -Carl

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"(Y/N)!!" You heard Carl run up behind you as you smiled at him lightly.

"Hey Carl what's up?" You said slightly concerned.

"Come and help me with my shift on the watch tower? It get's really lonely up there." He spoke with pleading eyes.

You rolled your (E/C) eyes as you nodded your head at him.

"Sure Carl." He smiled and he walked up to you and have you a hug which you happily accepted.

"Thanks (Y/N)!!" Carl said cheerfully as he let go of you and turned to leave.

"Um Carl what time do I need to be at the watch tower for?" You asked so you wasn't late.

"Just before sunset." He said softly as you nodded your head in agreement.

"Ok see you there Carl." You smiled to yourself as he walked away probably to go and help his dad farm.

You decided you should get some sleep then because Carl had decided to take the night shift tonight.

You where walking back to your cell when you heard someone shout your name.

"(Y/N)!!" You stopped as you heard it was Beth's voice, you smiled as she was like a sister to you.

"Hey Beth what's up." You smiled as she giggled.

"I heard you said yes to helping out Carl." She winked playfully and you just rolled your eyes.

"Yea but he will only mean it as friends nothing more." You looked down to the ground.

The thing is you have had a thing for Carl awhile now but your pretty sure you have been put in the big zone of a friend zone.

"He doesn't (Y/N), if he did he wouldn't look at you like he does." You just rolled my eyes.

"He does Beth now can we stop talking about it?" You asked as you could feel tears building up a little.

You saw Beth nod as you started to hear Judith (littleasskicker) crying.

"I guess that is your cue." You laughed a little as Beth nodded and rushed to where Judith was.

When you finally got back to your cell you noticed a little piece of paper on your bed, you frowned as you picked it up.

Dear (Y/N),

Just a quick note before I start I apologise for my terrible hand writing XD but I still hope you can read it.

You or used
Mentioned either around, near
Thought hear eyes
Without our rage little dear
That's obvious
Meaning each other

From Carl

P.S bring this to the watch tower

You frowned as you saw it didn't make sense at all. What was Carl going on about? You thought as you put the note to the side and hopped into bed.

-3 hours later-

You finally awake as you noticed you should start heading to the watch tower as you saw the sun was nearly setting. You grabbed the confusing note Carl gave you as you started to head to the watch tower.

As you reached the top you noticed Carl was pacing back and forth.

"Carl are you ok?" You spoke as you looked at him worriedly he nodded and laughed a little.

"Yea I'm fine (Y/N) just didn't get much sleep that's all." He laughed and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Well the sun is started to set so why not watch it?" Carl smoke a lot calmer this time as you nodded your head smiling lightly.

"I would love that." You chuckled as you walked and sat so you could see the sunset with Carl sitting next to you.

"Do you have the note?" Carl questioned worriedly. You nodded as you grabbed the note and opened it up.

"You confused me on what your where trying to mean?" You laughed a little as you saw his eyes sparkle.

"Read the first letter of each word but leave the last word out." He smiled lightly and he watched you try and figure it out.

You or used
Mentioned either around, near
Thought hear eyes
Without our rage little dear
That's obvious
Meaning each other

Your eyes widened in shock as you saw the real hidden message in the letter.

"You mean the world to me." Carl spoke as he looked you straight into the eyes.

"And you do to." You felt yourself saying as he grabbed your hand lightly.

" (Y/N) are amazing." Carl smiled as he looked down at our hands and you smiled.

"Carl." You spoke lightly as he looked up at you.

You both suddenly got lost in each other's eyes as you felt yourself leaning in and closing your eyes.
As your lips collided you felt butterfly's in your stomach as your lips love in sync with his.

After about a minute Carl pulled away as he looked you straight in the eyes.

"Be mine?" He spoke his voice a little shaky but you found that cute.

"Yes." You said as you kissed him again.

The night shift went quickly as you and Carl spent the night cuddling and watching out for walkers or any intruders. It was in fact the next night of your life.

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