Don't be scared -Carl

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Carl and you have only been friends for a few months, but if your honest you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him, he saved you.


It was a hot summer day, the smell of rotten flesh filling the air as you where trying to hunt for food. You weren't good at the kill the zombie action, you was more of a see and run.

You where looking around, around on the ground and up the tall trees to see if you could see any type of animal..there was nothing. You groaned as you stomach screamed for food, you haven't eaten in over a week and you needed to or else you were going to die. You looked around as you saw something that surprised you.

It was a squirrel.

Jackpot!! you thought as you slowly went up to the animal trying not to make any sound. Before it could move away you quickly stabbed it thought the stomach. You waited until the squirrel stopped moving before you took your knife out. You smiled in triumph as you finally managed to get some food.

You smiled as you wrapped the squirrel in a top and put it in your backpack. You quickly started to move as you where trying to find somewhere to stay for the night. One of the rules that you had was never to stay in a place for more than a day just incase Zombies or bad people decided to come. It was for your own safety.

-1 hour later-

You started to panic as you saw the sun was setting and it seemed to be getting darker with every second that passed.

"Where the hell am I going to stay?" You questioned yourself.

You looked around for a while until you noticed a small cave just above a hill. Well that's going to have to do. You quickly climbed up the moody slippery hill until you got to the top. You smiled as you saw that the cave was empty and safe. Well today has been your lucky day.

You quickly ran inside the cave not caring if it was dark. You quickly grabbed some on the dry wood you have been carrying around and a box of matches that you grabbed before you left your home. You signed as you through the match into the wood making a little fire for yourself. After you have done that you quickly grabbed your squirrel and started to cook it, after about twenty minutes of cooking a squirrel you decided to dig in, squirrel wasn't the best tasting thing in the world but it will do. After you where done you decided to lie down on and finally get some sleep.

You woke up with a startle as you heard the Zombies moans get louder as they got closer. You needed to move now. You quickly grabbed your backpack and matches before running out of the cave.

The bad thing is you can't kill them even if you tried because you where scared of them.

You started to run as fast as you can not stopping for a breath. However you didn't see a young teenage boy in front of you and you slammed straight into him.

"What the hell?" The boy said in shock before he turned to you and froze.

You stood up quickly trying to regain yourself as you felt a lump in your throat.

"Are you ok?" He asked suddenly concerned as you stepped away from him more.

"Don't be scared, I won't hurt you." He said as he stepped closer to you.

You felt yourself nod as he smiled lightly at you.

"I'm Carl." He spoke softly before giving you a little smile.

"I'm (Y/N)." You said shyly.

He smiled a little before you saw his eyes widen and pulled you quickly behind him.

"Get back!!" He shouted before he took out his gun aiming it at the zombie.

He shot three times making three walkers fall down. He turned towards you and put his hand on your cheek gently.

"I will never let anything hurt you." He smiled before kissing the top of your head.

Flashback over.

You smiled to yourself as you remembered that memory the memory that made you fall for Carl and him fall for you.

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