Hide and seek -Glenn

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Run, just run before they get you. There quick when they are together. If they bite you, it's to late, if they scratch you it's too late. It's either kill or die.

You where running away from about 15 walkers they have spotted you in the darkness. You looked down your torch as you kept running around the dark hospital. You know it's crazy but it was the only place you could go in to be saved, saved from the walkers....but how you are running for your life, it's good how tables can turn.

You decided you should try and find Glenn so him and you could get out of here alive. You turned a corner quickly making sure to keep that space between you and the walkers.

You quickly came to a holt, as you felt your body crashing to the ground. You have managed to bump into someone.

"Glenn?" You whispered in panic. You heard a groan.

"Yep it's me." He spoke as he quickly got up hearing more moans from the walkers.

"We need to hide." You spoke quietly as you started to run with Glenn to try and find a place to hide until it was clear.

"Here." You heard him say as he grabbed your hand and yanked you into a room.

You saw Glenn quickly turn around as he locked the door.

"Get down." He whispered as both of you got down hoping no walkers would come here.

You couldn't stop shaking as you heard all the walkers come closer to were you where.

"Hey you will be ok." You head Glenn whisper as you felt a tear slip down your cheek.

"It's like hide and seek if you don't make a noise they won't find you, if you do they will." Glenn smiled lightly before grabbing your hand.

"You will be safe I promise." He squeezed your hand in reassurance.

You smiled a little as you felt a little more safe.

However that quickly went away when you heard the walkers start banging on the door. You grabbed Glenn's hand tightly as you felt yourself start to shake.

"Hey (Y/N) it will be ok." You head Glenn whisper as he got up slowly and headed to the door.

"There are 8 or less I can take them if you help me." You heard him suggest and you instantly shook you head.

"No I don't want to." You said as you felt tears brim your eyes.

He signed as he grabbed your hand lightly.

"I won't let anything happen to you." He smiled as you nodded in agreement.

He let go of your hand as he was getting ready to open the door.

"You ready?" He questioned putting his hand on the handle.

You nodded as you grabbed your knife.

"1...2...3!!!" Glenn screamed as he threw the door open.

You saw all the rotting zombies stumble in. You felt your stomach churn as all of them started to come after you with hunger on there faces.

You decided to take out the closest one to you by stabbing it in the head. You can't die, you just can't. You noticed Glenn stabbed on in the head whilst knocking another one over before stabbing that one in the head.

You smiled as you saw that all the zombies where on the floor dead.

"You did well." You heard Glenn say as you nodded.

"Thanks for having my back I don't know what I'll do without you." You spoke quickly regretting it as you noticed what you just said.

"Well I'm the same with you." You head Glenn say before you looked up noticing how close Glenn is to you.

"Your amazing." You head him whisper before he moved down and kissed you lightly.

You smiled as you looked up at him.

"What was that for?" You asked and he just shrugged.

"Just showing you how I feel." He winked.

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