Chapter 2

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"Okay, so let me show you around." She said with a hand gesture pointing towards the hall. The hall had a reception in the front and on the right and left sides were doors leading to different corridors. One door had a board which said 'administration' in big bold letters. It was probably where they kept the money. Another one had a board saying library which was where Abigail sorry, Abby was leading us to.

She led us through the door, and said, "This is our library." I looked around and saw what was probably the largest library I'd been to. It had a high ceiling and in every direction ran shelves of books. To reach the shelves that were high there were ladders at every 4 shelves intervals. The books looked like they were old but were loved and cared. Then she pointed to a woman sitting behind a counter with horn-rimmed glasses and shoulder length hair. "She's our librarian. Be careful you don't want to make noise here. I learnt the hard way."

Then she led us out and took us to a door on the right which led to a basketball court and a football field that looked like a 100 times bigger than the one we had in St. Xavier's. Rachel asked her twice that "Is this seriously the size of your court?" She replied yes in a tone like it was obvious. While we stood flabbergasted she moved on and led to a door which said Swimming Pool. We went in and saw an Olympic size swimming pool.

"This is our swimming pool and we have two classes every week on Mondays and Thursdays. You have to bring your swimming kits on these days."

Next, we moved to our class with a way that I can't remember now but it was mostly leading back to the reception and then another corridor from there. Our class had about fifteen students who were gossiping as there were still 15 minutes for class to start.

She told us, "We have 5 clubs that you can join for the next two months. They are swimming, football, basketball, reading and surfboarding. We have other clubs but you can only join these right now because.."

"Wait you have a surfboarding club?" I said.

"Yes, we do why?" she replied, with a sort of annoyed tone.

Somehow the idea just appealed to me. I wanted to go to the beach and stuff so I decided this was going to be my club.

"I want to join surfboarding, can you please sign me up?" I asked Abby.

She said "Fine, I will what about you Rachel?"

"I'll be surfboarding too" she replied.

"Okay, will do. These are your timetables and you will be sitting right behind me." She said pointing towards the last seat in third of the five rows.


The bell rang and it was break finally. God, I guess it was always boring in school.

Well, here it was the massive cafeteria. I think I'm going to get used having massive cafeteria's and classes and what not here.

Seeing everything caught my attention and I didn't notice stamping someone's foot. He fell down.

"I'm so sorry" I said in a hasty tone. I bent forward and offered my hand to this gorgeous boy in front of me. "My name's Alyssa. I'm a transfer here it's my first day. I am really sorry"

"Wow, you talk really fast. My name's Will and you're gorgeous. Sorry I didn't mean that", he said with a twinkle in his sea-green eyes.

"LOL, it is cool don't worry about it."

"Why don't you guys come join us? My table's right there." He said pointing to a table with a few people sitting.

"Sure I'll just get some food." I said dragging Rachel along with me.

"Admit it, you think he's hot don't you?" Rachel said.

"No, okay maybe a teensy weensy bit." I said turning red.


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