Chapter 13

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A/N:- As always sorry for the cliff hanger. But its always fun surprising you guys.

Thank you for reading



Alyssa's P.O.V:-

I looked at Will and then back at them waiting for an explanation from either of them. Finally 'the queen' decided to offer me one.

"Alyssa Margaret Smith, welcome to Meropis. This is King Estefan and I am Queen Maryssa."

"What nonsense is this? You are Stefan Smith and you are Mary Smith, my parents. "

"This is not a joke Alyssa and neither are we your parents. We adopted you when you were a day old." The king replied. I then noticed that they were wearing royal cloaks and clothes. This wasn't exactly a fancy dressing competition was it?

"Okay, so you're saying that you are not my parents and that you adopted me when I was a day old?" They nodded. "Then who are my parents?"

" Poseidon had two sons Solon and Impotane who used to live here in Meropis. As they grew older they developed differences. So, two clans were created. The Solonic clan, which is ours, aims at the development of the people of Meropis whereas the Impotanic clan wants to rule and become the dictator of Meropis. At present the rulers of the Impotanic race are King Vanora and Queen Scylla. They are your parents. Now, according to a prophecy you can either unite or raze Meropis. We kidnapped you from them so that you can listen to us and join our side. But we cannot force our decisions onto you. The prophecy requires you to make a decision when you turn 17 next week."

"Okay, this is a lot to process. You say I'm a demigod. Possibly next ruler of Meropis. Meropis is a lost island. Underwater. Wait, we're underwater?"

"Yes, Alyssa."

"What? How am I breathing?"

"You're a mermaid, Alyssa. You have powers which you will realize when you are 17. Please calm down."

"I have powers. Okay, that's completely normal. Right. YOU ARE GODDAMN TELLING ME THAT I HAVE FUCKING POWERS AND MY PARENTS ARE NOT MY PARENTS AND I CAN BREATHE UNDERWATER AND I SHOULD FUCKING CALM DOWN ABOUT IT?" I was shouting so hard that the walls echoed around me.

"Language, Alyssa. I know this is a lot to take in but please just let us explain. Alyssa, we need you to make a decision. Us or them? It is hard and that's why you have William to guide you. He will not take any sides but tell you everything you have to know about Meropis."




"But, Alyssa you have five days."

"What? Why just five days?"

"Because the Impotanic clan knows you are here and they are angry, Alyssa. They are angry." The king said.

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