Shopping Cart.
It was a busy Saturday morning and you were shopping in your local supermarket. The hum of people filled the air and you couldn't help but feel annoyed as you pushed past a slow old man or a woman who clearly wasn't paying attention to her kids that were running around the place. You just wanted to get your shopping done; you just wanted to get home to watch more episodes of your favourite TV show.
"Excuse me." You sighed for the third time as a big bald guy, who was observing different types of pasta sauce, wouldn't move out of the way. Great. You gave in and moved his shopping cart out of the way so you could pass. He didn't even notice, he was fixated on the wide variety of pasta sauces. You laughed, wondering why it was so important which sauce he got - maybe he had an allergy, or maybe he had a date tonight or maybe he was preparing a meal for his family later. You would never know.
Carrying on with your shopping, you couldn't help but notice you were putting things in your cart that weren't on the list, you guessed you really shouldn't go shopping on an empty stomach. Oh well. You reached the frozen food aisle and checked what you had to get, a bag of chips, pizza, peas etc and left your cart where it was. You walked up and down the next two aisles, quickly grabbing what you needed, and returned to your shopping cart by ungracefully dumping the items out of your arms.
On with your shop you went, pulling things off the shelf and into your cart. In went some razors, chocolate, a new book, some deodorant, yoghurt pots, face cleanser, toilet roll, washing up liquid, melon... the list went on and on and soon you realised you didn't have much left to get. Just a baguette.
"Hmm, salt and pepper or cheesy?" You pondered, and then very swiftly made up your mind by squeezing a soft salt and pepper baguette and placed it in your cart. Wait, hold up. When did you put men's shaving cream in your shopping cart? And, what the hell, was that a beard trimming kit? Oh no...
"Excuse me, miss?" Someone tapped you on the shoulder.
You awkwardly turned around, already blushing in embarrassment, to find a tall skinny guy smiling at you.
He wore a grey Nike hoodie with black skinny jeans and his hair glowed blonde in the artificial light of the shop, "Sorry, it's just I think we might have accidentally swapped trollies. Do you want your stuff back?"
You nodded, dumbfounded. You knew exactly who this guy was, you'd seen plenty of movies with him in and now he was in front of you...Thomas Sangster.
"You good?"
"Yeah..yeah," you managed to spit out, "I'm so sorry, I was so distracted that I didn't even notice."
It was safe to say, you were blushing more than ever before. You could feel just how hot your cheeks felt and you didn't have to glance in a mirror to know that you were probably as red as a tomato. Keep cool, you told yourself.
"It's okay, I do it all the time!" Thomas laughed, acting all casual, and then began swapping things from each of your shopping carts. He lingered a little on the new book you were going to buy, "This is a pretty good book, took me a while to get into it but the ending's great."
"Oh great, I've heard it's a good read so I thought why not!" You could tell that you were speaking fast and tripping over your words - it wasn't everyday that you accidentally met a celebrity, and an attractive one at that.
"Well I better get on with my shopping, have a good day!"
"Yeah..yeah you too!" You managed to spit out and the celebrity walked off just like that.
Your eyes lingered in the spot where he had just stood...God why did you have to be so embarrassing all the time?! He probably thought you were a right weirdo, stealing his shopping cart and then gawking at him as if he were an endangered species at the zoo. You're an idiot, you told yourself. Now stop staring at the floor and go pay for your stuff!
Shaking off that dazed, embarrassed feeling you carried on walking to the front of the shop. You gathered that it would be easier to do a self check out so you weaved through all the queues and waited in line to serve yourself. Seconds later, you were hit in the butt with something hard; you quickly turned around to see Thomas' shocked face as he backed up his shopping cart from your ass.
"Oh my gosh, sorry! The wheels on this thing are terrible. I didn't mean to hit you."
"It's okay, completely fine." Once again, you were blushing a colour so red you might as well have been an actual tomato. You laughed a little, trying to hide the embarrassment of acting like a fool in front of a celebrity.
"Funny bumping into you twice though, the second time being literal!" He laughed and you smiled at him, "What's your name?"
"I'm -"
An automated voice boomed next to your ear, telling you it was your time to go to the self check out. You would've turned around to tell Thomas your name but a woman from the shop was already walking towards you, asking if you wanted help packing the shopping bags. It was too late now.
The woman began helping you with your packing and you glanced around the other checkouts, you couldn't see Thomas anywhere. Oh well...there goes your chance of being friends with a celebrity! Soon your shopping was done and you placed all your bags in your cart, you quickly grabbed your change, thanked the woman and then you were out of there.
"Hey, hey!" Just as you stepped out of the shop, Thomas stood up from a bench outside and jogged over to you - his shopping bags swaying in the wind.
"You went off before I got your name!" He was smiling at you and you smiled back at him, you couldn't believe that he had actually waited for you.
"Oh yeah, I'm Y/N."
"That's a very nice name. I'm Thomas, but I think you already knew that."
TELL ME, WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN AFTER THIS END SCENE?!Hey guys! I am soooo sorry for my slow update! I've got my GCSES for the next two months and then I'll have the longest summer of my life so I'm hoping to post more then!
I want to thank you so much for getting me to 122K reads, it's crazy; I'm so happy you all enjoy my little stories and every time I get a comment or vote it makes me so happy, so thank you for making me feel like the luckiest author ever, I love you guys so much!
Lots of love, leigh x
I HAVE decided to stop updating. Thank you for everything my loves. You're all amazing. I love you lots. You're the best followers I could ask for.Peace out!
- Leigh x

Thomas Brodie-Sangster Imagines
FanfictionImagines and one shots for the one and only Thomas Brodie-Sangster!