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It was 11pm and the diner that I worked in was dead. Silent. As lively as the Underworld. Empty. Empty apart from me and my coworker, Emily. Why we decided to take the nightshifts I don't remember, nobody ever came into the diner at night so it meant that we didn't get any tips and we were tired.

That night, since 9pm, there had only been three customers; a very drunk guy who was bursting for the toilet (unfortunately he didn't make it and me and Emily had to clean up his urine and his vomit from the floor, yuck!), a university student who had bags under her eyes and a thousand revision books under her arm - she took one sip of her coffee then promptly feel asleep in the booth for five minutes then woke up and ran back to uni - and a family who was getting a bite to eat in between two long car journeys. The diner was now full with an eerie silence and two workers who were furiously trying to stay awake.

"Want a coffee?" I asked Emily, deciding caffine might keep me awake for the next 5 hours of my shift,

"Mhh okay." Emily slumped down into one of the booths as I prepared the coffee. When I came back Emily was barely awake,  "Oi, wake up." I shoved the coffee into her hand and she downed it in one - no milk or sugar - just plain black coffee. I nearly threw up, I had to have a tonne of milk and a lot of sugar in my coffee just so it tasted less bitter. I took a sip and pulled a sour face, I usually didn't like coffee but nights like this made me force myself to drink the stuff. I finished my drink and was about to fall asleep when the familiar jingle of bells from the door opening made me come to,

"Hello?" A guys voice spoke and I turned around. He was tall, maybe a few inches taller than me, slim and very good looking with dirty-blond hair and brown eyes. I couldn't shake he feeling that I'd seen him somewhere before. I was about to tell Emily that I'd handle the customer but when I turned to look at her, she was already fast asleep.

"Can I help you, sir?"  I asked him politely, trying to not look tired,

"Yeah, um, I need something to warm me up. It's freezing outside!" That was true, now that autumn had arrived the weather had got incredibly colder.

"Hot chocolate?" I smiled at him as he sat in the red booth and took of his coat,

"Please." He replied and I walked off to prepare his hot chocolate. As I was adding the chocolate sprinkles I heard someone behind me: Emily. Her shift ended in half an hour but she was so tired she decided she was going home. I gave her a hug and she whispered in my ear, "I wasn't asleep, but that guy looks perfect for you." She sleepily winked at me and hung up her apron. I bushed and picked up the hot chocolate - ready to give it to the good looking customer.

"Care to join me? That's if you're not busy." He chuckled and I slid into the seat opposite him,

"Yeah I'm really busy, sorry. Rushed off my feet!" I laughed and he looked straight into my eyes: he did look really familiar.

"So, what's your name? I'm Thomas by the way."

"Y/N" I said. Thomas...this guy was really familiar, "Sorry, but do I know you? You look really familiar." I watched as his face turned a light shade of red and he ran a hand through his hair,

"Um, I think I just have one of those faces. But I'd think it would be great if I knew you!" He grinned at me and a warm feeling spread through my body.

For the rest of the night me and Thomas sang random songs from the radio, cleaned the counter (I told him not to but he insisted that he helped), played 20 questions and learnt a lot about each other: he liked acting, he could play the guitar, he was related to someone famous and lots of other things. When I told him I was related to someone famous too he got really interested...and then laughed at me when I told him they had been an extra in a supermarket advert on TV.

"Okay...favourite film?" He asked,

"Love Actually, hands down. Cutest film ever! And I find the little boy, Sam, adorable!" Tom nearly choked on the bacon sandwich he just ordered,

"Seriously?!" He said and looked at me, bewildered,


"Nothing...nothing!" He giggled a little and I couldn't help but think that his laugh sounded really familiar - like I'd heard it in a movie.

I closed my eyes for a second and Thomas gasped. I opened my eyes to find him looking shocked. Turned out, we had been sat there for five hours without even realising it. My shift had just finished and Thomas really needed to go home; he only came into the diner to grab a hot drink.

"Oh geez, Y/N I better go. I'm so sorry." He genuinely looked sad. The girl taking over from my shift - Kaitlin - walked in, gave me a half-awake smile and promptly tripped flat on her face. I stared at her in awe, trying not to laugh because Thomas hadn't noticed, and she ran into the kitchen before I could even say hello.

"No it's fine, my shift just ended anyway." I said as he pulled his coat back on. Dammit: I met a really good looking guy and I wouldn't even see him again!

"Oh, do you want a lift home?"

Say yes! Just say yes! You want get into his car with him. Say yes!  "No.....I can't, my car's parked outside and I...I live quite a while away, yeah." I lied to him, I didn't even own a car and my house was literally down the road. Damn nerves!!

"Oh. Well, call me?" He grabbed a napkin and scribbled his number onto it. He pushed it into my hand and planted a quick kiss on my cheek, which left my insides feeling like goop.

"Uhh..okay." I said and as he walked out of the door something clicked in my brain, "Sam." I said and Thomas turned around, smirking. "You were Sam in Love Actually. You're famous!"

"Yeah, does me being famous change anything between us?" He raised one of his eyebrows and my stomach filled with butterflies,

"Who said there was an "us"?" I asked as we both blushed a bright shade of red, what did he mean by "us"? I'd only just met him, well, I had spent the last five hours with him and I did feel very comfortable around him and I was very attracted to him but...

"Oh shut up, Y/N," he said playfully, "Just call me? I want to meet up with you tomorrow." He smiled and walked out of the diner, leaving me feeling utterly baffled amd shocked.

I had just got a date with Thomas.


A/N: 100+ reads, thank you so much!! Aghhhh, love you all ao much and I hope you enjoyed this imagine-y one shot thingamajig♥ (PLEASE TELL ME IF THERE ARE ANY SPELLING MISTAKES!!)

- Leighh ^_^ x

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