This Is War

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This Is War.

"What is she doing here?" A guy, Thomas, says and I ignore him; what is he doing here?!

"I could ask you the same question." I sneer at him and he shoots me an infuriated glance, "Whatcha gonna do, tosser? Force me to leave?"

"Bloody hell, my name's Thomas you whore. And no, I'm gonna do a lot worse. I'm gonna-"

"OI!" My friend shouts and me and the tosser, and we both look at her. It's not our fault me and Thomas hate each other; he's just so annoying and stupid and he's just a proper tosser.

It's my friend's birthday so she's invited some close friends round and her boyfriend has invited some friends round too. So I guess this is a party; and I guess I'm stuck at this party with the tosser.

"Sorry." I mumble and realise I can't stay in the same room as Thomas. I walk into my friend's kitchen and pour myself some water; that guy just makes my blood boil. I don't even know how our hate for each other started, its just always existed. I gulp down my water and nearly choke when I hear his voice ring out behind me,

"I hope you suffer a small paper cut."

I put down my glass and turn to face him. He's leaning against the kitchen door frame, just staring at me. His right leg is crossed in front of his left leg and I wonder if I push him hard enough, will he fall over?

"I hope the battery dies on your phone." I say bluntly, staring into his eyes.

"Ooooh, ouch. I feel so insulted." He says sarcastically and a smirk spreads across his face.

"Good for you." I say just as sarcastically,

He opens his mouth, evidently going to say something, then stops himself. He just stares at me and I begin to shift under his gaze, beginning to feel very awkward. I'm about to say something when he steps forward,

"I hope you put salt in your tea instead of sugar." He says and I chuckle, any awkwardness washing away from my body,

"Tosser, please, that's something you'd do." I say and try to walk away from him; I'm going to shout at him any time soon. I walk past him and he grabs my wrist, stopping me from going anywhere.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I hiss at him. I hear he's going to be a famous actor soon, yeah right, more like a famous tosser. The tosser, a.k.a Thomas, doesn't seem talented at anything...apart from pissing me off. I try to tug free from his grip but I stop as he stares me dead in the eyes and says very slowly,


"Oh my God, you don't just say things like that!" I practically scream and I forcefully pull away from him in utter rage. He just chuckles and I contemplate strangling him. His brown eyes just stare at me, a mixture of amusement and hate glazing his vision, and I stare back at him; a fiery rage burning in my eyes.

"I hope you get mauled by a hungry cat." It's the first thing that comes out of my mouth and I frown; what the hell?! The tosser pulls a confused face then laughs. And suddenly, I'm laughing too. It's such a weird sound, hearing the two of us laughing together, and I realise our friends have fallen silent. Our laughter is the only thing echoing around the house. Wait no, my laughter is the only thing echoing around the house. Thomas has stopped laughing and is now just staring at me again with a straight face.

"Jesus Christ. Your laugh is so irritating." The tosser, Thomas, says and I clench my jaw.

"I hope you stand on lego." The insult is old but gold, and I know it's hard to retaliate afterwards.

A whistle comes from the door and Thomas and I turn to see my friend's boyfriend just looking between us, "I can just feel the sexual tension building with every insult."

"NO!" Me and the tosser shout at the guy in unison and I stare at Thomas with wide eyes. His expression mirrors my own. I'm about to say something, a cocky remark to deny such a thing, but my words stumble in my mouth and my cheeks blush in anger.

"And on that note, I'll leave the two of you together." The guy says and disappears back to wherever he came from.

I look over at Thomas and suddenly see him staring at me differently. I don't know what to do expect stare back and I feel like I'm seeing him from somebody else's eyes. Noticing how cliché this is - the whole hate to "love" thing - I try to back away and break my gaze with him but I can't. I want to shout things at him: I hope you fall in love with a donkey, I hope you catch The Flare, I hope you lose your mum in a supermarket, I hope you get herpes...but I can't say anything. The guy was right; the sexual tension was building with every insult. I close my eyes for a second and when I look back at Thomas he's staring at me intently,

"Ah, fuck it."

___________________________________________________________________________________ A/N:

Just a short, funny thing I created :') And yes, I am going to leave it on a cliffhanger. And I might do a part 2 if you fans want...smut...?! I'll let you decide that ;)

Guys, go check out my other stories; When Worlds Collide and Teen Wolf Preferences. I'll love you forever :*

And, follow me on other social medias?
Twitter: TheArgentCode (comment your favourite imagine on my Twitter and I'll follow you back! E.g "I love This Is War so much" and I'll know you're from Wattpad!)
Instagram: @demigod_fandom_

- Leigh x

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