Car Journey

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A/N: This story is dedicated to Foreverinthefanzone for guessing my birthday correctly!

Car Journey.

I stood in the parking lot, staring through the fluffy fur of my hood at the car, as the rain numbed my hands and made my fingers go red raw. We were all stood up, planting our feet firm on the hard tarmac as the heavens opened and rain dived from the clouds, making loud 'splash!' noises as the water filled the potholes. The car was shining a bright red as the rain hammered down onto the roof and slipped off the bonnet.

Thomas, my other two best friends and I were all getting a lift to the airport from one of my friends mum because we couldn't drive there ourselves. I felt so isolated as the rest of them decided where they wanted to sit in the car: I knew I was going to be put at the front of the car all by myself. It was obvious as the others chatted to each other, which left me out in the process.

"I want to sit in the middle!" One of my friends squealed, causing lots of talking to break out out again. I looked over at the three of them, two girls and one boy; Thomas Sangster. Us four had been best friends ever since we went to primary school together and we had always been so close, at one point me and Thomas dated but it didn't last long. In time, considering all the problems I had had, I had began to slip away from the rest of them. My eyes locked on Thomas and I shivered as I noticed him looking at me. He left our other best friends and walked over to me.

"Y/N are you alright? You don't look well." He said, rubbing my arm soothingly with his hand,

"Hm, I just don't want to sit at the front. I really don't." I replied, pouring the pain into my voice. I hated sitting at the front of the car and my friends all knew it too; it made me feel sick and alone and upset at the fact I'd be left out from the others - who would no doubtfully be having a lot of fun in the back without me.

"Oh, Y/N, c'mere." Thomas said and pulled me into a big, long hug. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into the crook of his neck, hugs like that always made me miss the times from when we were together. He pulled back and grabbed both of my hands, holding them in a soothing way as I tried to calm down; I'd never got this panicky about sitting in the front of the car, what was wrong with me?

Actually, I knew what was wrong with me, my hormones had been wild, which had turned me into an emotional wreck, causing me to build my protective walls so high that no one could climb them. No wonder I had grown so isolated from the rest of my friends and family.

I stared down at our hands and felt the blush creep into my cold cheeks, he always had that effect on me, even if I had moved on and had dated other guys after him. Finally, after what seemed like forever, our friends mum came out of her house and ran towards the parking lot, unlocked the car and we all cambered in as the rain turned into hail. I climbed into the front and buckled my seat belt: this was going to be a horrible, lonely journey.

•~•~•~•~•Halfway through the car journey•~•~•~•~•

"Hey, Y/N, you okay?" Thomas leaned forward from his seat behind me and lightly pulled on my low ponytail,

"Yeahh Y/N you've been quiet this whole time!" One of my friends chimed in and I wanted to hit her, she may be my best friend but she had been so mean to me recently that everything she said to me sounded sarcastic. She was just jealous that the guy she liked, liked me instead of her. Silly really, when you come to think about it, because friends should always come before guys; always.

"Hmm." I said, irritation seeped into my voice as I spoke and I dropped both of my hands to my side, which made them hit the bottom of the seat. Thomas leaned forward again and I felt him rest his head against the back of my seat,

"You alright Tommy?" One of my friends asked him and he muttered a quick yes.

I pushed back in my chair, trying to be closer to Thomas and I began to feel something touching my hand; I looked slightly behind me at the floor to see Tom's fingers intertwined with my own. I sighed out and closed my eyes, surprised to feel that my ever quickening heart beat was slowing down. Yet again, Tom always had that effect on me. If I was ever angry or upset, he'd be the one to cure me. Confused at this sudden act of affection I whispered to him, "Why are you doing this Tom?", hoping the other girls didn't hear; if they did they would tell everybody and the whole world would know in seconds that something was going on between us. Not that it mattered, I wanted Tom to be mine again more than anything in the world, he completed me and made my life worth living. He made me smile, laugh until I cried but he made me feel loved. And I loved him, secretly and untold. I needed him. I loved him.

"Because you need me." He paused and gave my hand a gentle squeeze, "Because I need you too, because I love you."


I know it's short and kinda meh (sorry, really busy at the moment so that's my excuse) but short and sweet right?! 1K+ reads is crazy, I love you all so much

- Leigh x

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