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"My parents will kill me if they find out!" I whisper as I climb out of my bedroom window onto the porch.

"I'm not going to let that happen!" Thomas whispers and helps me down from the porch to the ground.

I look at him and see that he's wearing a suit, tie and all, and he looks at me in my dress. His clothing requests...not mine!

"Thanks, now...where to?" I ask him, unaware of where he's taking me. I honestly do believe that if my parents find out I'm missing - especially with Thomas - they will kill me. Due to family rules I'm not even allowed to talk to Thomas, let alone date him. The family rules having been going on way before I was born: stay away from the Sangster's unless you want to brawl with them.

If you haven't guessed it already: our families hate each other and we're dating in secret. Yes, it seems very Romeo and Juliet but honestly we didn't plan for that to happen.

"The forest." Thomas says matter of factly and, in the dark, I can't tell if he's joking or not.

"Excuse me?" I say, laughing a little as we walk down the pavement, light up by street lamps every now and again. Our hands are interlocked and we're walking in sync; as if we're part of one body. Me and Thomas have been dating in secret for 3 months now, but it seems like I've been in a relationship with him for eternity...not that I mind of course. Since we started dating, every second together counts because - between our family feud, jobs and a lot coursework - we don't get to spend much time with each other.

"I know it sounds creepy, but it's not. Promise." As we walk under a street lamp I see Thomas wink at me.

"Fine, but if I get eaten by a wolf or something it's your fault." I reply, laughing slighty although I mean it... I don't want to die in the forest like I'm in a horror movie!

"Y/N, there are no wolves in England. Just trust me that what we're going to do is special."

"Okay, I trust you." I sigh out playfully and Thomas nudges me with his elbow, making me retaliate the same way.

We walk and talk about everything; petty arguments about music, deep philosophical chats about the world, funny stories about our families, Thomas and I's future. Everything.

We finally reach the foot of the forest and although I've walked through it a thousand times before, it just seems creepier at night. It's all psychological I know, but it's how the human brain works. I tighten my grip on Thomas' hand and swallow hard,

"Love, it's okay. I'm here, I just need to get a few things." He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze and hastily kisses me on the lips before pulling me off to the side and standing by a tree. I'm about to ask what he's doing, when I feel him sliding something away from the tree and BAM, a bright white light is shone in my face and I can't see. I feel a torch being placed in my hand and I turn it on. As my eyes adjust to the increase of light I notice Thomas grinning at me, I instantly grin back.

Now that the forest is illuminated by our torches, it isn't creepy anymore...although I swear I can see things moving out of the corner of my eye. I notice that Thomas is leading me down a foot path that I never knew existed.

"Y/N, close your eyes." Thomas whispers and, grasping his hand tighter, I obey.

Thomas keeps me from falling over as he guides me through the forest and suddenly I realise I'm not walking on leaves and fallen twigs anymore. Thomas lets go of my hand and I'm about to open my eyes when I feel him stand behind me and put his hands over my eyes so I can't see.

"Seriously Tom, is there some sort of secret den you don't want me to see?" I giggle, laughing at the thought.

"No, love, this is something way better." He chuckles and I feel him kiss the side of my neck, "Okay you can look now!"

We stop walking and he removes his hands from my eyes. We are standing in the middle of a large field of grass and infront of me is a circular wooden marquee, lit with fairy lights, and inside there is a small table with a CD player resting ontop. Candles of all colours light the steps. I squeal in delight and turn to Thomas, he's grinning at me. A fuzzy feeling aches all of my body and my heart is literally bursting with happiness. I kiss Thomas on the lips and smile at him as I grab both his hands,

"Considering we didn't get to go to prom together, I thought we'd have our own prom." He says sheepishly and I squeal once again. I now understand why he asked me to wear a dress; and why he's wearing a suit.

"Bloody hell Sangster, I love you so much!" I pull him into another deep and passionate kiss.

"Well come on then, Y/N!" He says as he pulls away and he leads me to the marquee.

When we stand up on the marquee, Thomas presses the CD player and the most beautiful song begins to flow out of the speakers, Wait For Me by Motopony. It's a relatively slow song and it's also one of my favourite songs. I step forwards and wrap my arms around Thomas' neck and he places his hands on my waist and we begin swaying. The both of us are terrible at dancing but we can manage this much. I look at him and smile and, because he's taller than me, he kisses me on the forehead. We move is slow circles, not really communicating or thinking or caring about anything, just breathing and listening to the music and loving each other. I move closer to Thomas and rest my head on his shoulder, my face facing the crook of his neck. His arms fully wrap around my waist and the music consumes us as I listen to the steady pace of his heart. This is what true love feels like; this is true love.

I wish I could stay here forever and forget about the family feud. I wish I could be with Thomas and not have to show affection towards him only in secret. I wish that we could be together forever and the world didn't get in the way of our love. Thomas begins to stroke my hair and I hear him whisper,

"I wish we could leave this family feud behind us."

"I know," I whisper back, "but we can't. Can we?" I say, sighing.

"I guess not. But Y/N, my love, no family feud is going to stand in the way of my love for you." Thomas whispers to me and the song ends as he pulls me into a long, tender kiss.

___________________________________________________________________________________ A/N:

Voilà! I got so many feels writing the ending. SO CUTEEEE! Thank you for the 17K+, you guys are awesome!

- Lelly (< that's my nickname, it's still Leigh here♡) x

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