Air Hostess

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Air Hostess.

Today was the first day of your new job: being an air hostess. You were really excited, travelling to exotic places and places you've never been to before is just one of the reasons why you wanted to do this job. Not only that; you got to meet loads of interesting people! Sure, it may get a little tiring after a while but what job doesn't? Today was the start of a good career.

You put on the classic air hostess get up of blue and white material and applied your make up, before grabbing everything you needed for the long day ahead of you. Luckily, the airport wasn't that far away from where you lived so the car journey did not take long at all. You parked in the section for the airport staff and instantly your stomach exploded in butterflies, your whole body itching with nerves. It was so nerve racking that it took you a while to even get out of the car.

Once you got into the airport you noticed how busy it was: no way would you be able to find your boss in this sea of people! Luckily, you didn't have to. He found you instead. In an instant you were assigned your first job, you were on the next plane to America (*or England, if you're American*) and you were to be the only air hostess on that plane, considering most of the other air hostesses had fallen ill with a nasty virus from a different country. This flight was all down to you. What a challenge...and what a responsibility! You knew too well that there could be some shifty characters getting on this plane, or if there was something wrong with the pilot...that could be worrying.

Trying to forget that thought, you said thanks to your boss and headed towards your assigned terminal. You're about to go when the guy in front of you bent down to pick something up from the floor and you trip over him,

"Oh crap, sorry!" You exclaimed as the guy on the floor looked up at you. He neither looked angry or annoyed, and you were curious why he hadn't stood up yet. He was crouching down on the floor, his head twisted sideways so he could look at you. His eyes scanned your body in a long, slow stare. The side of his mouth tugged upwards and he finally stood up and started walking away. Dismissing this weird collision, you decide to carry on with what you were doing.

It didn't take long until you reached where you had to be at the terminal, ready to get on with your first job. You stand at the entrance and people begin to file through, letting you take their tickets to make sure they were on the right plane. A smile on your face and a little chit chat was all that was required for this job - apart from checking the tickets, of course - and so far you were enjoying it. Checking the time, you noticed that there was five minutes until the entrance to the plane shuts off and everyone has to be on board. You called out five minutes were left just as a guy rushed up to you. It was the same guy from earlier; the guy you tripped over.

"Hello, sir." You smiled politely at him and he smirked back as you took his ticket,

"Hey, love. You staying on this flight then?" He said, slightly cheekily, and you nodded. Words could not form from your mouth anymore, him calling you love had made your insides flip and your cheeks go red. Admittedly, this guy - Thomas, it read on his ticket - was attractive to say the least. He laughed and walked off, turning back to look at you until he could no longer see you. You laughed, surprised at his quirky character, and then closed the terminal.

Being on the plane was the most nerve racking thing, standing up in front of all the passengers and saying where the exits are etc. Making eye contact with them was scary so you just stared straight ahead...until Thomas walked in from the toilet and sat down. He caught you off guard and made you stutter in front of everyone,  making you blush in embarrassment. Great....not. As soon as you finished you sat down whilst the plane took off. Everything was going okay so far, no one had been sick and all the passengers seemed content. Except one...

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