Spin The Bottle

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Spin The Bottle.

Okay, so lets get the obvious over and done with: you were friends with Dylan O'brien. You two had been best friends since you were two and fame hadn't made him forget that. Dylan had handled his fame so well but him being famous did have a few perks; he got you the greatest christmas presents ever, he took you to cool places you couldn't afford, he always slipped you a VIP pass to the set he was working on and he easily arranged you to meet up with some awesome celebrities. The down side of being friends with Dylan? He knew you loved one of his friends: Thomas Brodie Sangster.

"Hey, Y/N? Can I invite some of my friends to your party?" Dylan asked as the two of you sat on your bed; luckily this week was one of the weeks that Dylan didn't have to work or go to an interview etc. Unluckily, you knew who he meant by "friends"... his famous friends. Most of his friends you were okay with, you knew most of the Teen Wolf and The Maze Runner cast members because of Dylan but there was just one guy you couldn't handle being at your party. You had met Thomas once, but that didn't mean you didn't know him; he was your celebrity crush as you grew up and he was still your celebrity crush now and it was torture knowing that Dylan knew this. It meant Dylan would do everything in his power to make you and Thomas a couple - something that you couldn't get your head around.

"Oi, Y/N!" Dylan spoke again, playfully pushing you as you stop zoning out,

"Sorry Dyl, yeah it's fine. Just, not too many okay?" You smiled at him and he began to send multiple texts to multiple people, "Oh, Dylan? Tell them not to bring anyone with them please, I just want close friends at this party." You said and Dylan gave you a reassuring smile, telling you that this party was going to be great.

To be honest, it wasn't much of a party, just a few friends and a few drinks and a Chinese takeaway or something along those lines - the idea of throwing a fully fledged party nowadays scared you. You'd had many close friends growing up but as soon as Dylan became famous they all started acting weird, going over the top with your friendship in the hopes to meet him. You just couldn't be friends with them anymore; Dylan was the only friend you had now that's been there since you were a little kid.

"Okay well I better go now Y/N, I'll see you Saturday for the most awesome party ever!" Dylan sprang up from the bed and looked at you with a massive grin, causing you to laugh.

"God, you're more excited than I am, Dyl!" You stood up and walked out of your room with him. Suddenly, his phone rang and you saw the caller ID which nearly made you fall down the stairs: Thomas

"Hey Tom, you alright?" Dylan said and looked at you, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah.." Dylan walked down the stairs and you glared at him, you wanted to listen to the conversation.

"Mhhm." You couldn't hear what Thomas was saying, damn it.

"Yeah it's Y/N's party," Dylan laughed and turned to face you at the front door, you stared at him with shock spread across your face: they were talking about you.

"Oh yeah, she'll love that. Maybe...oh yeah that's great Tom. Okay, I'll see you Saturday then. See ya." The phone call finished and you practically jumped on Dylan.

"What did he say? What were you talking about? Why were you talking about me? What will I love?"

"Woah chill," Dylan laughed and pulled you into a hug, "It'll all make sense on Saturday!"

Dylan left shortly after that and you really couldn't wait till Saturday: you needed answers now. The dread and excitement inside of you was not a good mix and you were about to explode.

-- time jump to Saturday! --

Dylan was the first to arrive with a present and balloons in hand. He always liked to arrive first and it was a good thing too, although you knew his mates you didn't really want to be alone with one of them before everyone else arrived; it would just be awkward.

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