His Best Friend Prt2

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His Best Friend Prt2.

Why is he here? Get out! GET OUT!

"Leave Thomas..." I try to speak but it's barely a whisper. I'm choking on my own tears and my heart is leaping out of my mouth, slowly trying to crawl its way out of my body and sacrifice itself to him.

"Oh Y/N..." Thomas says again and this time, when I look up, he's closer to me. Slowly and surely, he's inching his way closer to me. He shouldn't be. He shouldn't be here: I was going to try and forget about him, try to move on and forget that he is..was..my best friend. Try to space myself from him and his fiancé, Isabella. I was going to try and get away from his baby. Try.

For too long I put myself in pain, loving him and watching him fall in love with someone else. I put myself through the pain of being his best friend even when I loved him with all my heart. He never even realised, not once. He loved Isabella. He loves Isabella. He's having a baby with her for God's sake, that is how much he loves her. Yet, not once have I ever thought that it should be me with Thomas. Him and Isabella are happy together. Although, it would be nice to be her; nice to be loved by Thomas. Not just be the best friend he's always had. Not just be the best friend that he lost...because she admitted her feelings for him! What an idiot she is.

"Y/N please stop crying, please!" I slip out of my own thoughts to realise I am shaking wildly, and Thomas is crouching in front of me; his hands grabbing both sides of my face. The shaking is caused by my crying, I know this, but I can't stop. It's like torture: I can feel myself losing control over it and I can't regain it, so I just cry. The chain that locked up my emotions, now long gone.

"Y/N please...this is all my fault...please stop Y/N..." Thomas's voice is scratchy and the tears that are streaming down his face run down his neck and onto his arms. I'm mumbling random things, small whispers that barely mean anything because no one can hear them. I squeeze my eyes shut and when I open them again my eyes instantly cloud with tears. This isn't right. "Y/N FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!" Thomas shouts at me and then his lips are on mine. Our lips crash into each other and our tears mix together as they drip down our faces. What is happening - what is he doing?! Although my mind screams that I am doing something wrong my heart pounds quicker than ever. Adrenaline seems to fill my veins as if Thomas's kiss is allowing this to happen. Soon my whispers and my crying wimpers die down and my crying stops too. I grab Thomas's face and kiss him, hard, before pushing him away.

"You can't do that..." I whisper. And I know I'm right, he really can't do that. We really can't do that, as much as I want to, we really can't do that. It's not fair on me, on Isabella and the baby and on Thomas. It's not fair on anyone. Suddenly, in that moment, I imagine myself picking up that chain, that cold, thick chain, and I wrap it around my heart once more; leaving me with no emotion - just pin pricks on pain stabbing at my heart. I stand up, furiously wiping my tears away with my sleeve and look at Thomas as he stays crouched to the floor. His eyes are glazed with tears but he's stopped crying now. We both have.

"You can't do that." I say again, this time my voice is loud and clear,

"I know...just seeing you like that...it does something to a person Y/N. Seeing someone who's so close to you, hurting like that; it makes you realise things. It makes you feel things." He says as he stands up.

"And what did you feel?" I ask him and then decide I need to sit down. I brush past him and sit down on the couch. I feel Thomas sit down next to me and I turn to face him. I notice how his phone vibrates but he dismisses it. He runs a hand through his hair - making it messy - and he looks at me, a good long stare that scans every feature of my face.

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