Rescue (Yomo)

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(A/N; this OS contains quite some swearing near the end, so don't be telling this one to your little siblings.)

"Ready? Fight!" 

You stood in front of your opponent, clenching your fists. The crowd roared in your ears as you readied yourself for whatever the man in front of you was going to do. He released his kagune, a three part vibrant purple rinkaku that shined in the dim light of the arena. Fear escaped your eyes as you released yours, a blood red koukaku that twisted around your arm. You had always hated seeing this type of kagune, it was your weakness. His eyes turned into the kakugans you were so used to seeing, and yours changed in turn. Unintelligible sounds came from the man's mouth, you assumed they were words, but the shouts and screams from the audience blocked out any signs of sentences. 

You and the man stood in the same place for over a minute, waiting for each other to attack. The angry shouts from the crowd, telling you to start, piled on your shoulders. You never struck first, your kagune was too heavy to attack with. Instead, you always waited for your opponent to lunge. Apparently, the shouts also affected the man. A deafening scream escaped his mouth as he charged at you, his rinkaku aiming for you. He was tall but muscly,  his hair was black and went past his ears. He had longer fingernails than you expected, and you could see clear signs of blood on his teeth. You threw you kagune up to protect you from the oncoming attack, and they hit you a lot harder than you expected. You slid back close to the edge of the arena, near the crowd. You heard a cackle coming from your opponent, making you sense he had let his guard down. You pushed two of the rinkakus away, and began to swing your arm across. It hit the ghoul in the face and knocked him to the ground. The crowd's shouts turned into cheers as he fell to the floor. You had heard the same reaction from hundreds of different people, hundreds of different times. 

You were well known in the ghoul underground fighting network, or as a lot of ghouls called it- the 'Ghoul Pit' as so many ghouls would die fighting to win. You would enter weekly to win the prize after each fight- it was how you survived for the past 5 months. Each month they would change the location so the CCG wouldn't find it, and you kept up to date with each movement. This month it was out of the centre of the town, a quieter place than usual. You had never lost a fight and your name soon spread throughout the community. You knew giving your real name was dangerous, so you gave yourself a persona to live by. You hadn't heard anybody say your birth name in months. You felt like your identity was dissapearing by the match, and you constantly felt like it was time to stop, but the money called your name every time. You decided you were going to quit last week, but word spread the prize was the biggest one yet, and you couldn't leave without a jackpot. 

The man stood up again and angrily cursed at you. He wiped away the blood from his cheek and ran at you again. He cut you on the leg, and you fell to the ground but quickly stood back up. You waited for him to attack again, but to your surprise, he didn't. You felt like it was time to attack. Charging, you raised your arm and aimed for his stomach, but eyes in the crowd caught you. A man stood in the crowd, still and silent. He didn't shout like the other ghouls or raise his arms, but just watched. His stone-cold eyes focused on yours, and you didn't realise what was happening in front of you. The man was now running at you, and you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your stomach. You looked down to see a purple kagune stabbing you in the stomach. Blood dripping from your stomach. The taste of metal appeared in your mouth. The same cackle came from the man again. Shouts came from the audience, they urged you to attack.

"You motherfucker thinking you can attack me with your shitty koukaku?! You may be famous in this network, but that doesn't make you any fucking stronger than the rest of us." He shouted at you, spit flying out of his mouth. He pulled the kagune out of your stomach, and you fell to the ground. The hole in your stomach oozed with blood. Your koukaku had broken from the sudden impact. You felt like you were going to die, but you still weren't giving up. You shakily stood up. Your koukaku was gone, but your spirit definitely wasn't.

"Pile of shit." You cursed under your breath. You had trained yourself to fight with your fists and legs in situations like this. You ran to the ghoul, but another sharp tentacle hit you. You fell onto your back, but still carried on. The crowd had grown even louder, waving their arms, swearing, screaming, jumping up and down. Hundreds of kakugans were staring back at you, their pressure weighing back onto you. You got up, and the arena went silent. You were suddenly being lifted off the ground. You looked up to see the man from the audience looking at you, his eyes still a cold grey.

"W-What the fuck are you doing?!" You shouted at him, trying to release you from his grip, but the man seemed a lot stronger than you thought. 

"You're dying. I'm trying to save your life." he responded. The judge came out from the crowd into the middle of the arena.

"Get out! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He shouted.

"Let me fucking kill them!" Your opponent shouted. 

The man ignored them both, and instead ran out of the building. To your surprise, nobody followed him. You still hadn't obliged to what he was doing. 

"Get off of me! Who the fuck are you? What the fuck are you doing? Where are we going and why won't you fucking release me?!" You screamed in anger. You were in so much pain, you could barely breathe. Every word took a lot of effort for you to say. 

"You swear too much." The man said, as he continued to run. 

"I don't need to stop swearing for the likes of you. Besides, who the fuck are you?!" 

"I'm rescuing you. That's who I am. Your rescuer. I've been watching you this past month in the arena. You're a strong ghoul for your stature."

"Thanks. But I don't need rescuing."

"The hole in your stomach says otherwise." You looked down at the gaping hole in your body. "You need food now."

"Well, I wouldn't have this hole in my fucking stomach if you weren't staring at me! I'm used to people looking at me from the audience, but you were looking directly at me! I would've won that fight if it wasn't for you!"

"Trust me, you wouldn't have won that fight even if you weren't distracted by me. Besides, you're a lot safer with me than the Ghoul Pit."

You wanted to fight back, but the pain shooting through you and your lungs taking in as much air as possible was tiring you. You really were dying. You decided to ask one last question before you gave in to the exhaustion. 

"Please tell me.W...whats your name?"

The man smiled as he shifted into a slow walk. 

"My name is Renji Yomo. I know your stage name, but I don't know your real name."

You knew you were near close death, so telling him your name wouldn't affect you if you were dead. 

"My name is F/N L/N. Please just don't fucking kill me. Let me die naturally."

He laughed. 

"Don't worry Y/N, you won't be dying today."

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think this one is quite long, so I do apologise.I really wanted to write a Yomo OS as he is such an under-appreciated character! I had quite a lot of ideas for the setting and ending of this one, but it doesn't really make a story if there's no beginning or middle. I hope you enjoyed it, nonetheless! 

~ spicynishiki 

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