Pick-Pocket (Juuzou)

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(A/N; Trousers = Pants. I put this in advance just in case some of you don't know what it meant!)

"Pointless." You spat at yourself as you threw the useless ID cards onto the cold stone ground. They scattered across the floor. It had been the third wallet of the night and you were no closer to having enough money. You managed to find a couple of vouchers for a fast-food restaurant in one of the side slots. You scrunched them into your jeans pocket. Getting up from the bench, you began to walk through the empty, dimly-lit street. 

After being fired from your job for insufficient labour, you had nowhere else to go. Every job you applied for promised to reply back, but the letterbox proved otherwise. Your hope had began to decline-along with your savings. Every penny was precious. You tried to explain your situation to your tight landlord, but he simply waved it away and threatened an eviction. Knowing that you couldn't keep up the rent with just your bank account, you turned to a different path. Pick-pocketing was extremely rare in Tokyo, so people were not weary. Due to this, you had become a natural at it. You were fully aware what you were doing was illegal and what the consequences would be- but you were desperate. You were jealous of the people walking around, briefcases and bags in their hands. You didn't feel as bad when their wallet or purse was in your pocket. However, you had not gotten a lot of money recently and you were constantly anxious about the thought of becoming homeless. Your family had no intention of helping you and friends were scarce. You had lost hope. 

The faint light of the streetlamps guided you through the tranquil street at midnight. A couple of people had been around, but not close enough to make the stunt look like an accident. You were certain you wanted to try one more time this night. After around 10 minutes of aimlessly walking, you saw a person. From what you could see, he was a boy with pure white hair. He had a white shirt on with black trousers and blue braces. He was skipping through the street and as he got closer, you saw red marks all over his arms and neck. They didn't look natural, and you considered they were tattoos. 

What a freaky kid.

He was humming a tune to himself as he skipped along. But none of that was important to you. All you could see was the bright yellow wallet creeping out of the right pocket on his trousers. It almost seemed like it was calling for you. You decided he would be your final target of the night. He looked so entranced in his own world that he might not even notice what you had done. You pulled your hood to cover your face and took out a pair of earphones. Although you had no phone, putting them in supported the illusion of an accident. As you looked at him, he looked back. Although it was for only a split-second, you quickly put your head down so he couldn't identify your face. You walked towards him. He kept on humming. You collided into his right arm and grabbed what you could. Turning around, you apologised. You looked up to see the boy metres away from you. You were right- he didn't even notice. 

You found a short wall to sit on as you scavenged for what you could. At first touch the wallet felt heavier than you expected. You were excited to find out what was in there. You opened it up to a unexpected shock. The slots were filled with small rocks. That was what made it heavy. 

What the hell? Who puts rocks into their wallet?!

You poured out the contents, they all hit the ground and spilled onto the floor. You threw the wallet into a bin by the wall. A small note fell out of it the last second, floating towards the ground. You noticed it and jumped off the wall. It was small, and if it hadn't fell out you wouldn't have seen it. It was folded and as you opened it the two words inside sent shivers down your back. It created a harrowing aura around you. 

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