Movie Tickets and Jealousy (Uta)

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"Uta! Uta!" You shouted from your bed, staring at your laptop. You waited for a response before breaking the silence that was your only reply.

"Uta!" You shouted once more. "Uta!" You waited again and you were about to shout again, until you heard slow footsteps coming across the apartment. A few moments later, a slightly drained Uta entered the room- a pencil in his mouth. He raised his eyebrows and tiredly tilted his head to the side.

"Look!" You clapped your hands and pointed to the laptop screen he could not see. He walked over to your bed and fell onto it, his head leaning on your arm and a bit of a pillow. You were pointing at a film on your local cinema's website. "Look, that film I really wanted to see is having a midnight screening tonight!" You tapped on the timings. You had been waiting for this movie to come out ever since it was announced, and you had watched the trailer at least 100 times.

"Mhm...." Uta muttered.

"Can we go, please?" You held his arm with your free hand and squeezed it, beaming a bright smile at him.

"Mhm..." He muttered again. You smiled and put the laptop to the side, before almost jumping on top of him. You hugged him while he weakly ran his fingers through your hair and yawned.

"Have you been up all night?" You asked worriedly.

"I haphfr to phinish thish pierche." He muffled through the pencil in his mouth. You looked at him confused, until he took it out and repeated his sentence. "Sorry, I have to finish this piece."

"Is it really that important?"

"It's one of my biggest projects, I can't lose a lot of time on it- but I guess I can have one night off." You both lay in silence, enjoying the serenity in the moment.

Getting up, Uta kissed the top of your forehead before heading back to his 'office'- which was really the living room sofa. You smiled and ordered tickets for two for the film tonight. Your heart was racing with excitement at the thought of finally seeing it.


"Uta? Are you ready yet?" You shouted from the front door, waiting for the tired artist to answer back.

"Yeah...just, hold on." He murmured through the halls from the bedroom. You tapped your foot on the floor and spun your house keys around your finger as you waited for him to appear.

"How long are you going to b-" You trailed off as you saw him emerge. He was wearing a faux leather jacket, a black patterned shirt and dark skinny jeans. Glasses were covering his eyes. He smiled before reaching into his pocket. A panic struck over his face as he frantically went through all of his pockets. You rolled your eyes, sighed and laughed, before throwing the keys to him. He caught them, and scratched his head.

"Sorry, I'm a bit tired."

"I know- let's go!" You beamed to him whilst he walked to the door. You held his arm as you both walked out of the door.


"Hello, I booked two tickets for the midnight screening." You leaned over the desk to the cashier, looking at his screen as she tapped the keyboard.

"Of course. Can I take your name?" He smirked, waiting.

"Um, yeah, it's Y/N."

"Mhm, just give me a second." He tapped, often looking up at you. "And that's two is it? Who is the second ticket for?"

"Oh, it's for my-"

"Or are you lonely tonight?"

"No, my boy-"

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